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  1. El mundo de la ciberseguridad es un entorno en constante evolución, donde los atacantes y los defensores se esfuerzan por mantenerse al día con las últimas técnicas y herramientas. Para los hackers, tener acceso a las herramientas adecuadas puede significar la diferencia entre un ataque exitoso y un fracaso. Por eso, en este artículo, presentamos el Top 10 de las herramientas de hacking más populares y efectivas para 2023. Metasploit: Es una plataforma de explotación de código abierto que permite a los hackers identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades en los sistemas informáticos. Metasploit cuenta con una amplia gama de módulos que permiten a los atacantes ejecutar ataques de red, de sistema y de aplicaciones web. Nmap: Es un escáner de red de código abierto que permite a los hackers escanear redes y dispositivos para identificar puertos abiertos y servicios en ejecución. Nmap es una herramienta indispensable para cualquier hacker, ya que permite identificar posibles vulnerabilidades en los sistemas y dispositivos de red. Aircrack-ng: Es un conjunto de herramientas de seguridad inalámbricas que permite a los hackers auditar la seguridad de redes Wi-Fi y efectuar ataques de interceptación de datos. Aircrack-ng es una herramienta poderosa para cualquier hacker interesado en atacar redes inalámbricas. John the Ripper: Es un software de cracking de contraseñas de código abierto que permite a los hackers recuperar contraseñas olvidadas o protegidas por contraseñas débiles. John the Ripper es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker que busque acceder a cuentas de usuario o sistemas protegidos por contraseñas. sqlmap: Es una herramienta de seguridad de código abierto que permite a los hackers identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades en las bases de datos. sqlmap es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker interesado en atacar aplicaciones web y bases de datos. Wireshark: Es un analizador de protocolos de red de código abierto que permite a los hackers capturar y analizar tráfico de red. Wireshark es una herramienta valiosa para cualquier hacker que busque comprender cómo funcionan las redes y cómo se pueden manipular para su beneficubrimiento. Maltego: Es un software de inteligencia de amenazas de código abierto que permite a los hackers visualizar y analizar relaciones y conexiones en los datos de seguridad. Maltego es útil para cualquier hacker que busque tener una visión general de las amenazas y posibles puntos débiles en un sistema. Burp Suite: Es una plataforma de seguridad de aplicaciones web de pago que permite a los hackers realizar pruebas de penetración en aplicaciones web y identificar vulnerabilidades. Burp Suite es una herramienta avanzada para cualquier hacker profesional que busque atacar aplicaciones web. OllyDBG: Es un depurador de código de pago que permite a los hackers analizar y depurar código binario para identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades. OllyDBG es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker que busque atacar software y sistemas operativos. Cain y Abel: Es un software de recuperación de contraseñas de pago que permite a los hackers recuperar contraseñas y claves cifradas. Cain y Abel es una herramienta valiosa para cualquier hacker que busque acceder a sistemas protegidos por contraseñas. En conclusión, estas son algunas de las herramientas más populares y efectivas para los hackers en 2023. Sin embargo, es importante destacar que el uso ilegal de estas herramientas está prohibido y puede tener graves consecuencias legales. Se recomienda utilizar estas herramientas solo con fines educativos y de investigación de seguridad.
  2. Vulnerabilities in SQL injection | Learn with Fun way Description SQL injection is a type of vulnerability that can allow attackers to inject malicious SQL code into a web application's backend database, potentially giving them access to sensitive data or even taking control of the entire system. What is SQL injection with example? SQL injection usually occurs when you ask a user for input, like their username/userid, and instead of a name/id, the user gives you an SQL statement that you will unknowingly run on your database. Why need to do that course? The course would be structured in a way that is accessible to students with a range of backgrounds and levels of experience. It would start with the basics of SQL injection, including an introduction to SQL and database queries, before moving on to more advanced topics. The course would be designed to be practical and hands-on, with plenty of opportunities for students to gain experience in identifying, testing, and remediating SQL injection vulnerabilities. On that course would cover the following topics: Introduction to SQL injection: Explanation of what SQL injection is, how it works, and the potential impact of an attack. Types of SQL injection: Overview of the different types of SQL injection, including union-based, error-based, blind, and others. Prevention and mitigation techniques: Discussion of the best practices for preventing and mitigating SQL injection vulnerabilities, including parameterized queries, input validation, escaping, and other security measures. Exploitation of SQL injection: Explanation of how attackers can exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data, install malware, or take control of the system. Detection and testing: Overview of the methods used to detect and test for SQL injection vulnerabilities, including manual testing, automated tools, and other techniques. Case studies and real-world examples: Discussion of real-world examples of SQL injection vulnerabilities, including lessons learned and best practices. Secure coding practices: Overview of the secure coding practices that can help prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities, including input validation, output encoding, and other security measures. Compliance and audits: Explanation of the various regulations, standards, and best practices related to SQL injection and how they are audited and enforced. Patching and remediation: Explanation of how SQL injection vulnerabilities can be patched and remediated, including methods for fixing the underlying code or applying security updates. Hands-on experience: Practical exercises that allow students to gain hands-on experience in identifying, testing, and remediating SQL injection vulnerabilities. Advanced topics: Discussion of more advanced topics related to SQL injection, including bypassing filters, exploiting blind SQL injection, and other advanced techniques. Future trends: Overview of emerging trends and technologies in the field of SQL injection, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. This course would be suitable for developers, security professionals, and anyone interested in improving their understanding of SQL injection vulnerabilities and how to prevent them. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify, test for, and remediate SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications, helping to protect against malicious attacks and safeguard sensitive data. Who this course is for: Who wants to Learn SQL Injection Who Wants to be Bug Bounty Hunter Who Loves Web Application penetration testing Who wants to practice OWASP Top 10 Who wants to play CTF [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  3. El mundo de la ciberseguridad es un entorno en constante evolución, donde los atacantes y los defensores se esfuerzan por mantenerse al día con las últimas técnicas y herramientas. Para los hackers, tener acceso a las herramientas adecuadas puede significar la diferencia entre un ataque exitoso y un fracaso. Por eso, en este artículo, presentamos el Top 10 de las herramientas de hacking más populares y efectivas para 2023. Metasploit: Es una plataforma de explotación de código abierto que permite a los hackers identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades en los sistemas informáticos. Metasploit cuenta con una amplia gama de módulos que permiten a los atacantes ejecutar ataques de red, de sistema y de aplicaciones web. Nmap: Es un escáner de red de código abierto que permite a los hackers escanear redes y dispositivos para identificar puertos abiertos y servicios en ejecución. Nmap es una herramienta indispensable para cualquier hacker, ya que permite identificar posibles vulnerabilidades en los sistemas y dispositivos de red. Aircrack-ng: Es un conjunto de herramientas de seguridad inalámbricas que permite a los hackers auditar la seguridad de redes Wi-Fi y efectuar ataques de interceptación de datos. Aircrack-ng es una herramienta poderosa para cualquier hacker interesado en atacar redes inalámbricas. John the Ripper: Es un software de cracking de contraseñas de código abierto que permite a los hackers recuperar contraseñas olvidadas o protegidas por contraseñas débiles. John the Ripper es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker que busque acceder a cuentas de usuario o sistemas protegidos por contraseñas. sqlmap: Es una herramienta de seguridad de código abierto que permite a los hackers identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades en las bases de datos. sqlmap es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker interesado en atacar aplicaciones web y bases de datos. Wireshark: Es un analizador de protocolos de red de código abierto que permite a los hackers capturar y analizar tráfico de red. Wireshark es una herramienta valiosa para cualquier hacker que busque comprender cómo funcionan las redes y cómo se pueden manipular para su beneficubrimiento. Maltego: Es un software de inteligencia de amenazas de código abierto que permite a los hackers visualizar y analizar relaciones y conexiones en los datos de seguridad. Maltego es útil para cualquier hacker que busque tener una visión general de las amenazas y posibles puntos débiles en un sistema. Burp Suite: Es una plataforma de seguridad de aplicaciones web de pago que permite a los hackers realizar pruebas de penetración en aplicaciones web y identificar vulnerabilidades. Burp Suite es una herramienta avanzada para cualquier hacker profesional que busque atacar aplicaciones web. OllyDBG: Es un depurador de código de pago que permite a los hackers analizar y depurar código binario para identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades. OllyDBG es una herramienta esencial para cualquier hacker que busque atacar software y sistemas operativos. Cain y Abel: Es un software de recuperación de contraseñas de pago que permite a los hackers recuperar contraseñas y claves cifradas. Cain y Abel es una herramienta valiosa para cualquier hacker que busque acceder a sistemas protegidos por contraseñas. En conclusión, estas son algunas de las herramientas más populares y efectivas para los hackers en 2023. Sin embargo, es importante destacar que el uso ilegal de estas herramientas está prohibido y puede tener graves consecuencias legales. Se recomienda utilizar estas herramientas solo con fines educativos y de investigación de seguridad. View full article
  4. Gamers Arena ia a Digital Online Game Store, Game Top Up , Voucher & Gamer ID Selling Tools.Most gamer wants to buy game top up, voucher & virtual card. But they don’t have international card. they want to get it by local currency.It helps professional gamer to buy DIGITAL CODES likes (Game Top Up, CD-Key, Game Card, Payment Card, VOD Gift Card, Music Platform Gift Card, Mobile Prepaid Reload Card, Shopping Gift Card),DIRECT TOP UP likes (Game Top-Up Service, Mobile Game Direct Top-Up, Video on Demand App Top-Up, Entertainment App Top-Up, Livestreaming App Top-up),MOBILE RELOAD likes (Prepaid Mobile Internet Reload),DIGITAL GOODS MARKETPLACE & GAMER ID Sell platform. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  5. Find out about the OWASP top 10 most common Cyber Security and Web Application hacking threats. What you’ll learn Ethical Hacking: OWASP top 10 Web Application Hacking Find the top 10 threats from the OWASP list. Web Application Security: The basics. Each vulnerability has its own mitigations. There are ways that hackers can use the top 10 threats from the OWASP top 10. OWASP’s top 10 threats can be prevented with these methods. OWASP’s Top 10 Hacking Tips. Security for applications. The parts and features of a web application. Attack on the SQL Server. Attack on Parameter Tampering. An attack from behind that manipulates the hidden field. The attack is called “Cross Site Scripting.” Forceful Attack on Browsing. In this case, someone broke into your account. An attack on cookies that make you sick Attack on buffer overflow. The Attack: Security Misconfiguration Attack. Attack on Sensitive Data Vulnerability: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring. Requirements Willing: I want to learn A passion for cyber security interest in the security of Web applications Interest in the security of networks Description You’ve come to the “OWASP Top 10: Web Application Security Exploit for Beginners.” This is a good place to start. A lot of web applications are vulnerable to attacks called OWASP TOP 10. In this course, we’ll look at these attacks and learn how to take advantage of them. You’re going to: – Learn about the top OWASP attacks and how they work, as well as the tricks and techniques that go with them. – Find out how to get information about a target domain and look for people who might be victims. People from the Open Web Application Security Project will show you how to deal with 10 of the most common threats they have found (OWASP). You will learn: what are the OWASP top 10 threats? the effect on your business is that a security breach could have hackers/attackers / pen-testers who can carry out these threats. how these security threats can be dealt with You won’t have to know how to write code to understand the above points. A disclaimer: This course is for educational use only. At your own risk, use. You must get permission to use these and other techniques on things that aren’t yours. The author takes no legal responsibility for any illegal use of the techniques and methods in this course. If you like the course, please give it a good rating and tell your friends about it. Who this course is for: An Application Security Engineer is in charge of web application security. An engineer who works with network security and web applications In this case, the person is a “good hacker.” It is important to protect yourself on the internet [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  6. About This File New version of the good old Back To Top but rewritten and with additional features, as there are ... -Themechooser - You can now choose where the plugin is active, if themes already bring a similar feature. -Icon selection - Choose from 5 "standard icons", or use a Font Awesome icon of your choice. -Color, size, transparency and positioning are also freely selectable. Note: This is a whole new plugin, no upgrade of the old one. Note: Some settings may require clearing the system caches. Version Compatibility 4.6.x [hide][Hidden Content]]
  7. With the SongCharts script you can run your own fully automated song charts and music search engine website within minutes. Let your visitors search and download songs and discover the best new music hits with the top songs charts. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  8. Description We will be looking at the OWASP Top 10 web attacks 2017. Students are going to understand each attack by practicing them on their own with the help of this course. We will use Mutillidae 2 Vulnerable Web Application for all attack practice. We will start from setting up the lab to exploiting each vulnerability. This course not just focuses on attacks but also helps understanding the mitigations for each vulnerability. Students will understand the mitigations through Secure Source Codes and Best Practices provided in this course that should be followed by the developers to protect their web application from these vulnerabilities. What you’ll learn Web Application Pentesting Completing 20 exercise of Mutillidae Vulnerable Web Application OWASP top 10 2017 Mitigations for each vulnerability Secure code for mitigation Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? This course is for beginners Basic knowledge of OWASP top 10 Basics of using Burp Suite and Proxy Burpsuite and Browser Setup Who this course is for: Beginner ethical hacking students Students who want to learn Web Application Pentesting Students who want to perform exercises on Mutillidae Vulnerable Application Students who want to learn about the Mitigations of each vulnerability in OWASP top 10 2017 [Hidden Content]
  9. Master Top Techniques Used by Hackers, Get Hands-on Practical Exercises to "Know the Enemy" and Secure Your Apps. What you'll learn Web Security Fundamentals OWASP Top 10 Hacking Techniques Cyber Security Penetration Testing Bug Bounty Application Security SQL injection Cross-site Scripting XSS Cross-site Request Forgery CSRF Sensitive Data Exposure Weak Authentication Requirements Basic networking concepts Description *** Continuously Updated *** Welcome to "Ultimate Guide to Web Application Security OWASP Top Attacks" In this course, we will explore together the most common attacks against web applications, referred to as OWASP TOP 10, and learn how to exploit these vulnerabilities so that you have a solid background in order to protect your assets. You will: - Discover OWASP Top attacks and how they are performed and the tricks and techniques related to them. - Do extensive exercises on DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) and OWASP BWA (Broken Web Applications) to see in actual practice how to attack live systems and what goes on behind the scenes. - Learn to get information about a target domain and search for potential victims. - See the tools most used by hackers of all levels grouped in one place; the Kali Linux distribution. - Code some of your own scripts to get you started with advanced penetration where you will need to forge you own tools. DISCLAIMER: This course is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk. You must have an explicit authorization to use these techniques and similar ones on assets not owned by you. The author holds no legal responsibility whatsoever for any unlawful usage leveraging the techniques and methods described in this course. If you like the course, please give a rating and recommend to you friends. Who this course is for: IT Security practitioner Developer Network Engineer Network Security Specialist Cyber Security Manager Penetration Tester [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  10. Top 20 Ethical Hacking Tools in 2020 What are Hacking Tools? Hacking Tools are computer programs and scripts that help you find and exploit weaknesses in computer systems, web applications, servers and networks. There are a variety of such hack tools available in the market. Some of them are open source while others are commercial solution. Following is a handpicked list of Top 20 Best Ethical Hacking Tools, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source(free) and commercial(paid) software. 1) Netsparker Netsparker is an easy to use web application security scanner that can automatically find SQL Injection, XSS and other vulnerabilities in your web applications and web services. It is available as on-premises and SAAS solution. Features Dead accurate vulnerability detection with the unique Proof-Based Scanning Technology. Minimal configuration required. Scanner automatically detects URL rewrite rules, custom 404 error pages. REST API for seamless integration with the SDLC, bug tracking systems etc. Fully scalable solution. Scan 1,000 web applications in just 24 hours. 2) Acunetix Acunetix is a fully automated ethical hacking solution that mimics a hacker to keep one step ahead of malicious intruders. The web application security scanner accurately scans HTML5, JavaScript and Single-page applications. It can audit complex, authenticated webapps and issues compliance and management reports on a wide range of web and network vulnerabilities. Features: Scans for all variants of SQL Injection, XSS, and 4500+ additional vulnerabilities Detects over 1200 WordPress core, theme, and plugin vulnerabilities Fast & Scalable – crawls hundreds of thousands of pages without interruptions Integrates with popular WAFs and Issue Trackers to aid in the SDLC Available On Premises and as a Cloud solution. 3) SaferVPN SaferVPN is an indispensable tool in an Ethical hackers arsenal. You may need it to check target in different geographies, simulate nonpersonalized browsing behavior, anonymized file transfers, etc. Features: No Log VPN with high security and anonymity Very fast speeds with 2000+ servers across continents Based in Hongkong, it does not store any data. Split tunneling and 5 simultaneous logins 24/7 support Supports Windows, Mac, Android, Linux, iPhone, etc. 300,000+ IPs Port Forwarding, Dedicated IO and P2P Protection 31 Day Money-Back Guarantee 4) Burp Suite: Burp Suite is a useful platform for performing Security Testing of web applications. Its various hacker tools work seamlessly together to support the entire pen testing process. It spans from initial mapping to analysis of an application's attack surface. Features: It can detect over 3000 web application vulnerabilities. Scan open-source software and custom-built applications An easy to use Login Sequence Recorder allows the automatic scanning Review vulnerability data with built-in vulnerability management. Easily provide wide variety of technical and compliance reports Detects Critical Vulnerabilities with 100% Accuracy Automated crawl and scan Advanced scanning feature for manual testers Cutting-edge scanning logic Download link: [Hidden Content] 5) Ettercap: Ettercap is an ethical hacking tool. It supports active and passive dissection includes features for network and host analysis. Features: It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols Feature of ARP poisoning to sniff on a switched LAN between two hosts Characters can be injected into a server or to a client while maintaining a live connection Ettercap is capable of sniffing an SSH connection in full duplex Allows sniffing of HTTP SSL secured data even when the connection is made using proxy Allows creation of custom plugins using Ettercap's API Download link: [Hidden Content] 6) Aircrack: Aircrack is one of the best, trustable, ethical hacking tool in the market. It cracks vulnerable wireless connections. It is powered by WEP WPA and WPA 2 encryption Keys. Features: More cards/drivers supported Support all types of OS and platforms New WEP attack: PTW Support for WEP dictionary attack Support for Fragmentation attack Improved tracking speed Download link: [Hidden Content] 7) Angry IP Scanner: Angry IP Scanner is open-source and cross-platform ethical hacking tool. It scans IP addresses and ports. Features: Scans local networks as well as the Internet Free and open-source hack tool Random or file in any format Exports results into many formats Extensible with many data fetchers Provides command-line interface Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux No need for Installation Download link: [Hidden Content] 😎GFI LanGuard: GFI LanGuard is an ethical tool that scan networks for vulnerabilities. It can acts as your 'virtual security consultant' on demand. It allows creating an asset inventory of every device. Features: It helps to maintain a secure network over time is to know which changes are affecting your network and Patch management: Fix vulnerabilities before an attack Analyze network centrally Discover security threats early Reduce cost of ownership by centralizing vulnerability scanning Help to maintain a secure and compliant network Download link: [Hidden Content] 9) Savvius: It is an ethical hacking tool. It performance issues and reduces security risk with the deep visibility provided by Omnipeek. It can diagnose network issues faster and better with Savvius packet intelligence. Features: Powerful, easy-to-use network forensics software Savvius automates the capture of the network data required to quickly investigate security alerts Software and integrated appliance solutions Packet intelligence combines deep analysis Rapid resolution of network and security issues Easy to use Intuitive workflow Expert and responsive technical support Onsite deployment for appliances Commitment to our customers and our products Download link: [Hidden Content] 10) QualysGuard: Qualys guard helps businesses streamline their security and compliance solutions. It also builds security into their digital transformation initiatives. This tool can also check the performance vulnerability of the online cloud systems. Features: It is trusted globally No hardware to buy or manage It is a scalable, end-to-end solution for all aspects of IT security Vulnerability data securely stored and processed on an n-tiered architecture of load-balanced servers It sensor provides continuous visibility Data analyzed in real time It can respond to threats in a real-time Download link: [Hidden Content] 11) WebInspect: WebInspect is automated dynamic application security testing that allows performing ethical hacking techniques. It provides comprehensive dynamic analysis of complex web applications and services. Features: Allows to test dynamic behavior of running web applications to identify security vulnerabilities Keep in control of your scan by getting relevant information and statistics at a glance Centralized Program Management Advanced technologies, such as simultaneous crawl professional-level testing to novice security testers Easily inform management on vulnerability trending, compliance management, and risk oversight Download link: [Hidden Content] 12) Hashcat: Hashcat is a robust password cracking and ethical hackers tool. It can help users to recover lost passwords, audit password security, or just find out what data is stored in a hash. Features: Open-Source platform Multi-Platform Support Allows utilizing multiple devices in the same system Utilizing mixed device types in the same system It supports distributed cracking networks Supports interactive pause/resume Supports sessions and restore Built-in benchmarking system Integrated thermal watchdog Supports automatic performance tuning Download link: [Hidden Content] 13) L0phtCrack: L0phtCrack 6 is useful password audit and recovery tool. It identifies and assesses password vulnerability over local machines and networks. Features: Multicore & multi-GPU support helps to optimize hardware Easy to customize Simple Password Loading Schedule sophisticated tasks for automated enterprise-wide password Fix weak passwords issues by forcing password resets or locking accounts It allows multiple auditing OSes Download link: [Hidden Content] 14) Rainbow Crack: RainbowCrack RainbowCrack is a password cracking and ethical hacking tool widely used for hacking devices. It cracks hashes with rainbow tables. It uses time-memory tradeoff algorithm for this purpose. Features: Full time-memory trade-off tool suites, including rainbow table generation It Support rainbow table of any hash algorithm Support rainbow table of any charset Support rainbow table in raw file format (.rt) and compact file format Computation on multi-core processor support GPU acceleration with multiple GPUs Runs on Windows OS and Linux Unified rainbow table file format on every supported OS Command line user interface Graphics user interface Download link: [Hidden Content] 15) IKECrack: IKECrack is an open source authentication crack tool. This ethical hacking tool is designed to brute-force or dictionary attack. This tool also allows performing cryptography tasks. Features: IKECrack is a tool that allows performing Cryptography tasks Initiating client sends encryption options proposal, DH public key, random number, and an ID in an unencrypted packet to the gateway/responder. It is freely available for both personal and commercial use. Therefore, it is perfect choice for user who wants an option for Cryptography programs Download link: [Hidden Content] 16) IronWASP: IronWASP is an open source hacking software. It is web application vulnerability testing. It is designed to be customizable so that users can create their custom security scanners using it. Features: GUI based and very easy to use It has powerful and effective scanning engine Supports for recording Login sequence Reporting in both HTML and RTF formats Checks for over 25 types of web vulnerabilities False Positives and Negatives detection support It supports Python and Ruby Extensible using plug-ins or modules in Python, Ruby, C# or VB.NET Download link: [Hidden Content] 17) Medusa Medusa is one of the best online brute-force, speedy, parallel password crackers ethical hacking tool. This hacking toolkit is also widely used for ethical hacking. Features: It is designed in such a way that it is speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer The main aim of this tool is to support as many services which allow remote authentication Allows to perform Thread-based parallel testing and Brute-force testing Flexible user input. It can be specified in a variety of ways All the service module exists as an independent .mod file. No modifications are needed to the core application to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing Download link: [Hidden Content] 18) NetStumbler NetStumbler is used to detect wireless networks on the Windows platform. Features: Verifying network configurations Finding locations with poor coverage in a WLAN Detecting causes of wireless interference Detecting unauthorized ("rogue") access points Aiming directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links Download link: [Hidden Content] 19) SQLMap SQLMap automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection weaknesses. It is open source and cross platform. It supports the following database engines. MySQL Oracle Postgre SQL MS SQL Server MS Access IBM DB2 SQLite Firebird Sybase and SAP MaxDB It supports the following SQL Injection Techniques; Boolean-based blind Time-based blind Error-based UNION query Stacked queries and out-of-band. Download link: [Hidden Content] 20) Cain & Abel Cain & Abel is a Microsoft Operating System passwords recovery tool. It is used to - Recover MS Access passwords Uncover password field Sniffing networks Cracking encrypted passwords using dictionary attacks, brute-force, and cryptanalysis attacks. Download link: [Hidden Content] 21) Nessus Nessus can be used to perform; Remote vulnerability scanner Password dictionary attacks Denial of service attacks. It is closed source, cross platform and free for personal use. Download link: [Hidden Content] 22) Zenmap Zenmap is the official Nmap Security Scanner software. It is a multi-platform free and open source application. It is easy to use for beginners but also offers advanced features for experienced users. Features: Interactive and graphical results viewing It summarizes details about a single host or a complete scan in a convenient display. It can even draw a topology map of discovered networks. It can show the differences between two scans. It allows administrators to track new hosts or services appearing on their networks. Or track existing services that go down Download link: [Hidden Content] ❓ What are Hacking Tools? Hacking Tools are computer programs and scripts that help you find and exploit weaknesses in computer systems, web applications, servers and networks. There is a variety of such tools available on the market. Some of them are open source while others are commercial solution. 💻 Is it Legal to use Hacking Tools? It is legal to use Hacking tools for whitehat hacking purposes. It’s important that you take written permission from the target site before you launch a penetration attack. Without a permission any good intented hacking attempt will land you in legal trouble. To Learn Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, Join our Telegram Channel. Here you will learn all about ethical hacking and cyber security.
  11. What you'll learn Web Security Fundamentals OWASP Top 10 Hacking Techniques Cyber Security Penetration Testing Bug Bounty Application Security SQL injection Cross-site Scripting XSS Cross-site Request Forgery CSRF Sensitive Data Exposure Weak Authentication Requirements Basic networking concepts Description *** Continuously Updated *** Welcome to "Ultimate Guide to Web Application Security OWASP Top Attacks" In this course, we will explore together the most common attacks against web applications, referred to as OWASP TOP 10, and learn how to exploit these vulnerabilities so that you have a solid background in order to protect your assets. You will: - Discover OWASP Top attacks and how they are performed and the tricks and techniques related to them. - Do extensive exercises on DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) and OWASP BWA (Broken Web Applications) to see in actual practice how to attack live systems and what goes on behind the scenes. - Learn to get information about a target domain and search for potential victims. - See the tools most used by hackers of all levels grouped in one place; the Kali Linux distribution. - Code some of your scripts to get you started with advanced penetration where you will need to forge you own tools. DISCLAIMER: This course is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk. You must have an explicit authorization to use these techniques and similar ones on assets not owned by you. The author holds no legal responsibility whatsoever for any unlawful usage leveraging the techniques and methods described in this course. If you like the course, please give a rating and recommend to you friends. *** Update 02/23/2021 *** : A dedicated section to OWASP project and Top 10 list. Who this course is for: IT Security practitioner Developer Network Engineer Network Security Specialist Cyber Security Manager Penetration Tester [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  12. What you'll learn Ethical Hacking Techniques Penetration Testing Techniques Bug Bounty Techniques Nmap Burp Suite Dirsearch Google Hacking Database Google Dorks Github Recon Shodan Censys HTTP Requests XML to CSV for Recon Decoy Scans Bypass Firewalls Exploit PUT to RCE Sensitive Data Exposure Description Welcome to Top 5 Tools & Techniques for Pentesting in Cyber Security Course. This course covers Top 5 Tools and approach for web application attacks and how to earn bug bounties. There is no prerequisite of prior hacking knowledge and you will be able to perform web attacks and hunt bugs on live websites and secure them. This course is not like other hacking or penetration testing course with outdated vulnerabilities and only lab attacks. This course will start with an understanding of each tool that is used in the industry by the experts for Penetration Testing. This course is highly practical and is made on Tools used by professionals in the industry to give you the exact environment when you start your penetrating testing or bug hunting journey. We will start from the basics and go till the advance of the particular tool. This course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers how to hunt vulnerability in an ethical manner. In Nmap, We will cover what is Nmap, Installation, Firewall Bypass Techniques, and Nmap cheatsheet. In Burpsuite, We will cover what is Burpsuite, Installation, and We will see practical examples of How Interception Works. We will also solve a CTF based on a realtime example using burpsuite. In Content Discovery, We will cover what is Project Discovery's Data set for subdomains and increase the scope for Bug Bounty Hunting. We will also see tools to scope expansion wherein we can identify mass subdomains are alive, dead based on status codes, Title, etc. In Google Hacking Database, We will cover what is GHDB, How you can hunt for sensitive files for a target, Also you will learn How to become the author of your own Google Dork In Shodan/Censys/Grey Noise, We will cover what is IOT Search Engines, How you can perform banner grabbing, and find out vulnerable and outdated servers running on the targets. We will also see how to use shodan search filters for better active enumeration. In Github Recon, We will cover what is Github Recon both Automated and Manual Way. We will uncover sensitive information from Github repositories that fall under Sensitive Data Exposure as a P1 severity bug. In the Anatomy of an HTTP Request, We will cover what is an HTTP Request, What are different Headers How do they work and its significance. With this course, you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you as soon as possible. Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the websites I have performed attacks are ethically reported and fixed. Testing any website which doesn’t have a Responsible Disclosure Policy is unethical and against the law, the author doesn’t hold any responsibility. Who this course is for: Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing. Any Beginner who wants to start with Penetration Testing Any Beginner who wants to start with Bug Bounty Trainer who are willing to start teaching Pentesting Any Professional who working in Cyber Security and Pentesting Developers who wants to fix vulnerabilities and build secure applications [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
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  15. View File Top 99 SQL Videos - Noob to Advanced - 2.89GB Top 99 SQL Videos - Noob to Advanced - 2.89GB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. Submitter dEEpEst Submitted 02/10/19 Category Libro Online Password ********  
  16. OWASP API Security Top 10 2019 [Hidden Content]
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Malware Analyst's Cookbook 746 Pages 89. Mobile Malware - Attacks and Defense 386 Pages 90. Java 2 Network Security 702 Pages 91. A Bug Hunter's Diary 212 Pages 92. Viruses Revealed - Undestand and Counter Malicious Software 721 Pages 93. Figital Forensics With Open Source Tools 289 Pages 94. SSH, The Secure Shell - The Definitive Guide 438 Pages 95. Pro PHP Security 369 Pages 96. Zero Day Exploit - Countdown to Darkness 363 Pages 97. Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook 269 Pages 98. 24 Deadly Sins of Software Securtiy 433 Pages 99. Botnets - The Killer Web App 482 Pages 100. Hacker Highschool - Hack School for Beginners (ZIP) 12 Books ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user.
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  18. View File Top 100 Hacking & Security E-Books Top 100 Hacking & Security E-Books (Free Download) S.No E-Book (PDF Link) Total Pages 1. Advanced Penetration Testing 269 Pages 2. The Basics of Web Hacking 179 Pages 3. The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing 178 Pages 4. The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick 577 Pages 5. SQL Injection Attacks and Defense 761 Pages 6. Metasploit - The Penetration Tester's Guide 332 Pages 7. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide 523 Pages 8. Network Attacks and Exploitation - A Framework 219 Pages 9. Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 224 Pages 10. Wireshark for Security Professionals 391 Pages 11. Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing 298 Pages 12. The Shellcoder's Handbook 745 Pages 13. The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses 183 Pages 14. XSS Attacks - Cross Site Scripting Exploits and Defense 482 Pages 15. The Web Application Hacker's Handbook 771 Pages 16. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures 239 Pages 17. Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering 619 Pages 18. Network Security Bible 697 Pages 19. Hacking Web Applications - Hacking Exposed 416 Pages 20. Hacking for Dummies 387 Pages 21. Hacking Wireless Network for Dummies 387 Pages 22. Ninja Hacking - Unconventional Penetration Testing Tacting and Techniques 314 pages 23. Professional Penetration Testing 525 Pages 24. Gray Hat Hacking - The Ethical Hacker's Handbook 577 Pages 25. Hack Attacks Testing 561 Pages 26. Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 242 Pages 27. Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing 356 Pages 28. Kali Linux CTF Blueprints 190 Pages 29. Kali Linux Cookbook 261 Pages 30. Kali Linux - Assuring Security by Penetration Testing 454 Pages 31. Information Security Management Handbook 3206 Pages 32. Computer and Information Security Handbook 877 Pages 33. CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional 804 Pages 34. Computer Security and Cryptography 542 Pages 35. Python for Kids 348 Pages 36. End to End Network Security - Defense-in-Depth 469 Pages 37. A Guide to Computer Network Security 483 Pages 38. Essential Computer Security 321 Pages 39. Security in Wireless Mesh Networks 548 Pages 40. Hacking Windows XP (OLD) 379 Pages 41. Hacking Exposed - Windows Security, Secrets and Solutions 482 Pages 42. Hacking Exposed - Network Security, Secrets and Solutions 736 Pages 43. Information Security - Principles and Pratice 413 Pages 44. Nessus, Snort and Ethereal Power Tools 472 Pages 45. Active Defense - A Comprehensive Guide to Network Security 374 Pages 46. Information Security Fundamentals 262 Pages 47. Wireless Network Security 422 Pages 48. Red Hat Linux Security and Optimization 721 Pages 49. Windows Forensics Analysis 386 Pages 50. Mobile and Wireless Network Security and Privacy 232 Pages 51. Firewalls and Internet Security 456 Pages 52. An Introduction to Computer Security - The NIST Handbook 290 Pages 53. Unauthorized Access - Physical Penetration Testing for IT Security Teams 309 Pages 54. Testing Web Security 297 Pages 55. Maximum Security - A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network 670 Pages 56. Information Resource Guide - Computer, Internet and Network Systems Security 325 Pages 57. The Hacker's Underground Handbook 116 Pages 58. Guide to SCADA and Industrial Control Systems Security 164 Pages 59. The International Handbook of Computer Security 274 Pages 60. The Code Book - How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It 273 Pages 61. Linux 101 Hacks 271 Pages 62. Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide 223 Pages 63. Bluetooth Security 222 Pages 64. IT Governance - A Manager's Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/27002 385 Pages 65. Batch File Programming 155 Pages 66. Cracking the Coding Interview 310 Pages 67. Dictionary of Networking 465 Pages 68. Hacking Gmail 310 Pages 69. Linux Complete Command Reference 1528 Pages 70. Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures 752 Pages 71. The Art of Intrusion by Kevin Mitnick 291 Pages 72. Hack Notes - Windows Security Portable Reference 289 Pages 73. Hacing - The Next Generation 298 Pages 74. Hacking the Cable Modem 330 Pages 75. Hackers Beware - Defending Your Network From The Wiley Hacker 817 Pages 76. Hack Proofing Your Network 826 Pages 77. Hack Attacks Revealed 837 Pages 78. Dissecting the Hack - The F0rb1dd3n Network 441 Pages 79. TCP/IP Guide 1671 Pages 80. Offensive Security - Wireless Attacks - WiFu 385 Pages 81. Google Hacking - For Penetration Testers 529 Pages 82. Computer Forensics Investigating Network Intrusions and Cyber Crime 394 Pages 83. Hakin9 Bible 207 Pages 84. Network Forensics - Tracking Hackers Through Cyberspace 574 Pages 85. Computer Forensics - Investigating Data and Image Files 227 Pages 86. Penetration Testing and Network Defense 625 Pages 87. Hacking Exposed - Malware and Rootkits 401 Pages 88. Malware Analyst's Cookbook 746 Pages 89. Mobile Malware - Attacks and Defense 386 Pages 90. Java 2 Network Security 702 Pages 91. A Bug Hunter's Diary 212 Pages 92. Viruses Revealed - Undestand and Counter Malicious Software 721 Pages 93. Figital Forensics With Open Source Tools 289 Pages 94. SSH, The Secure Shell - The Definitive Guide 438 Pages 95. Pro PHP Security 369 Pages 96. Zero Day Exploit - Countdown to Darkness 363 Pages 97. Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook 269 Pages 98. 24 Deadly Sins of Software Securtiy 433 Pages 99. Botnets - The Killer Web App 482 Pages 100. Hacker Highschool - Hack School for Beginners (ZIP) 12 Books ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. Submitter dEEpEst Submitted 16/09/19 Category Libro Online Password ********  
  19. Top Android hacking application [Hidden Content]
  20. scripciónProgramaInstructorReseñas Precio actualGratis Precio original19,99 € Inscríbete ahora Garantía de reembolso de 30 días LINUXINTVIEW-QA-FREE Compartir Este curso incluye 3,5 horas de vídeo bajo demanda 2 recursos descargables Acceso de por vida Acceso en dispositivos móviles y TV Certificado de finalización Lo que aprenderás top linux interview questions and answers common linux questions and answers typical linux questions and answers introduction to linux linux for beginners introduction to linux bash shell terminal overview of some common linux shell commands linux linux administrator Ver más Requisitos Descripción This course is suitable for beginner to advanced levels/students. The course aims to prepare the student very well for some of the most common interview questions for Linux related jobs/careers. The course is highly recommended for Linux beginners, and should help the student to start using Linux very quickly. Via detailed answers, clear explanations and engaging practical examples using the Linux BASH shell terminal, the student should be able to do extremely well during interview questions, and successfully secure that job. Linux version used for this course is Ubuntu Linux 18.04, and a live dvd version is used via a virtual machine, so that the student can actually see the Linux desktop while listening to the lectures and following the practical examples. If you learn and understand all the answers to the 57 questions in this course, you should be able to comfortably ace most interviews for junior to intermediate level Linux jobs. Who is this course for? linux newbies beginner linux users linux administrators linux users interested in linux people interested in linux jobs anyone interested in Linux ubuntu debian linux users anyone new to linux people interested in learning Linux linux beginners people interested in learning some linux bash shell commands interested in a career in linux [Hidden Content]
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