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About Me

  1. La Evolución del Hacking: Desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad El hacking es una actividad que ha estado presente desde los primeros días de la informática y ha evolucionado a medida que los sistemas informáticos y la tecnología han avanzado. En la década de 1960 y 1970, los primeros hackers eran principalmente estudiantes universitarios y académicos que exploraban los sistemas informáticos para aprender más sobre ellos y comprender cómo funcionaban. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, el hacking se ha vuelto más sofisticado y ha sido utilizado con fines malintencionados. En los años 80 y 90, el hacking comenzó a ser visto como una amenaza real para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos. Los hackers comenzaron a utilizar técnicas sofisticadas para obtener acceso no autorizado a sistemas y datos, y la ciberdelincuencia comenzó a tomar forma. Al mismo tiempo, el software de seguridad comenzó a evolucionar y se desarrollaron herramientas para protegerse contra los ataques de los hackers. En la década de 2000, el hacking se ha vuelto aún más sofisticado y ha alcanzado nuevos niveles de complejidad. Los hackers han utilizado técnicas avanzadas, como el phishing y el malware, para obtener acceso a sistemas y datos sensibles. Al mismo tiempo, la tecnología ha continuado evolucionando y la conectividad a Internet ha permitido a los hackers atacar desde cualquier parte del mundo. En la actualidad, el hacking es una amenaza constante para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos, y los hackers han utilizado técnicas cada vez más sofisticadas para atacar. Desde ataques cibernéticos a gran escala hasta la explotación de vulnerabilidades en dispositivos IoT, el hacking ha alcanzado nuevos niveles de complejidad y ha dejado en claro la necesidad de una mayor protección contra los ataques de los hackers. Sin embargo, a medida que el hacking ha evolucionado, también ha evolucionado la defensa contra él. Las empresas y los gobiernos han investido en tecnologías y soluciones de seguridad para protegerse contra los ataques de los hackers, y la educación sobre seguridad cibernética se ha vuelto más prevalente. Además, los expertos en ciberseguridad han desarrollado nuevas técnicas y herramientas para detectar y prevenir los ataques de los hackers. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances en la seguridad cibernética, los hackers siguen encontrando nuevas formas de atacar y explotar las vulnerabilidades en los sistemas. Un ejemplo reciente es el uso de ransomware, un tipo de malware que cifra los datos y exige un rescate a cambio de la descifratura. Los ataques de ransomware han aumentado en popularidad en los últimos años y han causado estragos en todo el mundo, con empresas y organizaciones perdiendo millones de dólares debido a la interrupción del negocio y al pago del rescate. Otro ejemplo es la explotación de las vulnerabilidades en los dispositivos IoT, que se han convertido en un blanco popular para los hackers debido a la falta de seguridad en muchos de estos dispositivos. Los ataques a dispositivos IoT, como las cámaras de seguridad, pueden ser utilizados para espiar a las personas o para llevar a cabo ataques más amplios en la red. En resumen, el hacking ha evolucionado desde sus inicios como una actividad académica hasta convertirse en una amenaza cada vez más sofisticada para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos. A pesar de los avances en la tecnología de seguridad, los hackers siguen encontrando nuevas formas de atacar y explotar vulnerabilidades en los sistemas, y es importante que las empresas y las personas sigan educándose y fortaleciendo su defensa contra estos ataques.
  2. Aprenda sobre el hacking de red y los peligros que conlleva en la era digital. Descubra las mejores prácticas y medidas de seguridad para proteger su red y sus datos sensibles. Introducción: En un mundo cada vez más conectado, la seguridad de las redes es esencial para proteger los datos y la información privada de las personas y las empresas. El hacking de red es una amenaza real y cada vez más frecuente, que puede tener consecuencias graves para la privacidad y la seguridad de la información. En este artículo, exploraremos lo que es el hacking de red, sus formas más comunes y cómo protegerse contra ellas. ¿Qué es el hacking de red? El hacking de red es el proceso de invadir o interferir en una red informática sin autorización. Los hackers utilizan una variedad de técnicas para acceder a las redes, incluyendo la explotación de vulnerabilidades en los sistemas y la manipulación de los usuarios para obtener acceso. Una vez dentro de una red, los hackers pueden robar información confidencial, instalar malware, interferir con el funcionamiento de la red y causar daños a los sistemas y a los datos almacenados. Formas comunes de hacking de red: Ingeniería social: Los hackers utilizan técnicas de manipulación para obtener información confidencial de los usuarios, como contraseñas y nombres de usuario. Explotación de vulnerabilidades: Los hackers buscan y explotan las vulnerabilidades en los sistemas de seguridad de una red para acceder a ella. Ataques de phishing: Los hackers utilizan correos electrónicos o sitios web falsificados para engañar a los usuarios para que revele información confidencial. Ataques DDoS: Los hackers sobrecargan una red con una cantidad abrumadora de tráfico para hacer que se bloquee y sea inaccesible. Ataques de malware: Los hackers instalan software malicioso en los sistemas de una red para robar información y causar daños. Cómo protegerse contra el hacking de red: Mantenga sus sistemas y software actualizados: Las actualizaciones a menudo incluyen parches de seguridad que corrigen vulnerabilidades. Utilice contraseñas seguras y cámbielas regularmente: Las contraseñas deben ser largas y alfanuméricas y no deben ser fácilmente adivinables. Mantenga una copia de seguridad de sus datos: De esta manera, si su red es hackeada, tendrá una copia de sus datos segura y podrá restaurar rápidamente sus sistemas. Instale un software de seguridad en todos los dispositivos conectados a su red: Esto incluye firewall, antivirus y anti-spyware. Habilite la autenticación de dos factores: Esto agrega una capa adicional de seguridad a su red y requiere que los usuarios proporcionen un código adicional además de su nombre de usuario y contraseña. No revele información confidencial por correo electrónico o en línea: Los hackers a menudo utilizan técnicas de phishing para obtener información confidencial. Use una red privada virtual (VPN) cuando se conecte a Internet desde un lugar público: Las VPN cifran la información y la protegen de los hackers que pueden estar tratando de interceptar su información. Monitoree su red de manera constante: Un sistema de monitoreo de red puede ayudar a detectar cualquier actividad sospechosa y permitirle tomar medidas rápidamente. Conclusión: El hacking de red es una amenaza real en la era digital y es importante tomar medidas para proteger su red y sus datos sensibles. Al seguir las mejores prácticas y medidas de seguridad descritas anteriormente, puede reducir el riesgo de ser víctima de un ataque de hacking y mantener sus sistemas y datos seguros. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que los hackers están en constante evolución y que es necesario estar siempre alerta y actualizado sobre las últimas amenazas y medidas de seguridad.
  3. Conceptos del hacking El hacking es una disciplina que se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en los últimos años, y con razón: el mundo digital es cada vez más importante en nuestras vidas, y el conocimiento de cómo funciona y cómo protegerse es esencial para cualquier persona. Pero, ¿qué es el hacking exactamente? ¿Cuáles son los diferentes tipos de hacking? ¿Qué herramientas y técnicas utilizan los hackers? A continuación, vamos a echar un vistazo a estos conceptos clave del mundo del hacking. El hacking, en su forma más básica, es el acto de obtener acceso no autorizado a un sistema informático. Esto puede ser una computadora individual, una red de computadoras, un servidor web, o cualquier otro tipo de sistema informático. Los hackers utilizan una variedad de herramientas y técnicas para acceder a estos sistemas, y una vez que tienen acceso, pueden hacer lo que quieran con ellos. Hay diferentes tipos de hacking, cada uno con su propio conjunto de objetivos y técnicas. Algunos de los tipos de hacking más comunes incluyen: Hacking ético: también conocido como "white hat" (sombrero blanco) hacking, es el acto de utilizar técnicas de hacking para ayudar a mejorar la seguridad de un sistema. Los hackers ético pueden ser contratados por empresas o organizaciones para probar la seguridad de sus sistemas y identificar vulnerabilidades. Hacking malicioso: también conocido como "black hat" (sombrero negro) hacking, es el acto de utilizar técnicas de hacking con fines malintencionados. Los hackers maliciosos pueden intentar robar información confidencial, dañar sistemas, o simplemente causar problemas para molestar. Hacking de red: se centra en el acceso y el control de redes informáticas. Los hackers de red pueden utilizar técnicas como el escaneo de puertos y la explotación de vulnerabilidades para acceder a redes y controlarlas. Hacking de aplicaciones: se centra en el acceso y el control de aplicaciones informáticas. Los hackers de aplicaciones pueden utilizar técnicas como la inyección de SQL y la explotación de vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones para acceder a aplicaciones y controlarlas. Para llevar a cabo cualquier tipo de hacking, los hackers utilizan una variedad de herramientas y técnicas.
  4. What you’ll learn How to use Metasploit How to Search Exploits How to use Exploits How to exploit Win 2k and Ubuntu 16 Requirements Kali Linux live USB Description This course teaches you the basics of metasploit, a popular hacking and exploitation tool. You will learn how to do basic port scanning and how to configure and run exploits. You’ll also be able to create malicious executables that take over the targets computer. The course contains a demonstration of running an exploit that crashes a Windows 2000 computer. By the end of this course, you should be able to configure and run exploits, to run brute force password attacks and also to create malicious executables that give you complete remote control over the targets computer. That includes doing things like downloading files, browsing files, uploading files, taking screenshots, recording the microphone, starting web cam and much more. This is a beginners course, you don’t need any prior knowledge about ethical hacking but you should have Kali Linux at hand. Kali Linux is a system that is designed for hacking, which happens to be Linux based. You can get this system for free, by downloading the iso file and putting it onto a usb. A more simple way is to just ship a Kali Linux Live USB to your home address. Once you start Kali, you’ll have many hacking tools at hand Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  5. La Evolución del Hacking: Desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad El hacking es una actividad que ha estado presente desde los primeros días de la informática y ha evolucionado a medida que los sistemas informáticos y la tecnología han avanzado. En la década de 1960 y 1970, los primeros hackers eran principalmente estudiantes universitarios y académicos que exploraban los sistemas informáticos para aprender más sobre ellos y comprender cómo funcionaban. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, el hacking se ha vuelto más sofisticado y ha sido utilizado con fines malintencionados. En los años 80 y 90, el hacking comenzó a ser visto como una amenaza real para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos. Los hackers comenzaron a utilizar técnicas sofisticadas para obtener acceso no autorizado a sistemas y datos, y la ciberdelincuencia comenzó a tomar forma. Al mismo tiempo, el software de seguridad comenzó a evolucionar y se desarrollaron herramientas para protegerse contra los ataques de los hackers. En la década de 2000, el hacking se ha vuelto aún más sofisticado y ha alcanzado nuevos niveles de complejidad. Los hackers han utilizado técnicas avanzadas, como el phishing y el malware, para obtener acceso a sistemas y datos sensibles. Al mismo tiempo, la tecnología ha continuado evolucionando y la conectividad a Internet ha permitido a los hackers atacar desde cualquier parte del mundo. En la actualidad, el hacking es una amenaza constante para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos, y los hackers han utilizado técnicas cada vez más sofisticadas para atacar. Desde ataques cibernéticos a gran escala hasta la explotación de vulnerabilidades en dispositivos IoT, el hacking ha alcanzado nuevos niveles de complejidad y ha dejado en claro la necesidad de una mayor protección contra los ataques de los hackers. Sin embargo, a medida que el hacking ha evolucionado, también ha evolucionado la defensa contra él. Las empresas y los gobiernos han investido en tecnologías y soluciones de seguridad para protegerse contra los ataques de los hackers, y la educación sobre seguridad cibernética se ha vuelto más prevalente. Además, los expertos en ciberseguridad han desarrollado nuevas técnicas y herramientas para detectar y prevenir los ataques de los hackers. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances en la seguridad cibernética, los hackers siguen encontrando nuevas formas de atacar y explotar las vulnerabilidades en los sistemas. Un ejemplo reciente es el uso de ransomware, un tipo de malware que cifra los datos y exige un rescate a cambio de la descifratura. Los ataques de ransomware han aumentado en popularidad en los últimos años y han causado estragos en todo el mundo, con empresas y organizaciones perdiendo millones de dólares debido a la interrupción del negocio y al pago del rescate. Otro ejemplo es la explotación de las vulnerabilidades en los dispositivos IoT, que se han convertido en un blanco popular para los hackers debido a la falta de seguridad en muchos de estos dispositivos. Los ataques a dispositivos IoT, como las cámaras de seguridad, pueden ser utilizados para espiar a las personas o para llevar a cabo ataques más amplios en la red. En resumen, el hacking ha evolucionado desde sus inicios como una actividad académica hasta convertirse en una amenaza cada vez más sofisticada para la seguridad de la información y los sistemas informáticos. A pesar de los avances en la tecnología de seguridad, los hackers siguen encontrando nuevas formas de atacar y explotar vulnerabilidades en los sistemas, y es importante que las empresas y las personas sigan educándose y fortaleciendo su defensa contra estos ataques. View full article
  6. Aprenda sobre el hacking de red y los peligros que conlleva en la era digital. Descubra las mejores prácticas y medidas de seguridad para proteger su red y sus datos sensibles. Introducción: En un mundo cada vez más conectado, la seguridad de las redes es esencial para proteger los datos y la información privada de las personas y las empresas. El hacking de red es una amenaza real y cada vez más frecuente, que puede tener consecuencias graves para la privacidad y la seguridad de la información. En este artículo, exploraremos lo que es el hacking de red, sus formas más comunes y cómo protegerse contra ellas. ¿Qué es el hacking de red? El hacking de red es el proceso de invadir o interferir en una red informática sin autorización. Los hackers utilizan una variedad de técnicas para acceder a las redes, incluyendo la explotación de vulnerabilidades en los sistemas y la manipulación de los usuarios para obtener acceso. Una vez dentro de una red, los hackers pueden robar información confidencial, instalar malware, interferir con el funcionamiento de la red y causar daños a los sistemas y a los datos almacenados. Formas comunes de hacking de red: Ingeniería social: Los hackers utilizan técnicas de manipulación para obtener información confidencial de los usuarios, como contraseñas y nombres de usuario. Explotación de vulnerabilidades: Los hackers buscan y explotan las vulnerabilidades en los sistemas de seguridad de una red para acceder a ella. Ataques de phishing: Los hackers utilizan correos electrónicos o sitios web falsificados para engañar a los usuarios para que revele información confidencial. Ataques DDoS: Los hackers sobrecargan una red con una cantidad abrumadora de tráfico para hacer que se bloquee y sea inaccesible. Ataques de malware: Los hackers instalan software malicioso en los sistemas de una red para robar información y causar daños. Cómo protegerse contra el hacking de red: Mantenga sus sistemas y software actualizados: Las actualizaciones a menudo incluyen parches de seguridad que corrigen vulnerabilidades. Utilice contraseñas seguras y cámbielas regularmente: Las contraseñas deben ser largas y alfanuméricas y no deben ser fácilmente adivinables. Mantenga una copia de seguridad de sus datos: De esta manera, si su red es hackeada, tendrá una copia de sus datos segura y podrá restaurar rápidamente sus sistemas. Instale un software de seguridad en todos los dispositivos conectados a su red: Esto incluye firewall, antivirus y anti-spyware. Habilite la autenticación de dos factores: Esto agrega una capa adicional de seguridad a su red y requiere que los usuarios proporcionen un código adicional además de su nombre de usuario y contraseña. No revele información confidencial por correo electrónico o en línea: Los hackers a menudo utilizan técnicas de phishing para obtener información confidencial. Use una red privada virtual (VPN) cuando se conecte a Internet desde un lugar público: Las VPN cifran la información y la protegen de los hackers que pueden estar tratando de interceptar su información. Monitoree su red de manera constante: Un sistema de monitoreo de red puede ayudar a detectar cualquier actividad sospechosa y permitirle tomar medidas rápidamente. Conclusión: El hacking de red es una amenaza real en la era digital y es importante tomar medidas para proteger su red y sus datos sensibles. Al seguir las mejores prácticas y medidas de seguridad descritas anteriormente, puede reducir el riesgo de ser víctima de un ataque de hacking y mantener sus sistemas y datos seguros. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que los hackers están en constante evolución y que es necesario estar siempre alerta y actualizado sobre las últimas amenazas y medidas de seguridad. View full article
  7. Conceptos del hacking El hacking es una disciplina que se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en los últimos años, y con razón: el mundo digital es cada vez más importante en nuestras vidas, y el conocimiento de cómo funciona y cómo protegerse es esencial para cualquier persona. Pero, ¿qué es el hacking exactamente? ¿Cuáles son los diferentes tipos de hacking? ¿Qué herramientas y técnicas utilizan los hackers? A continuación, vamos a echar un vistazo a estos conceptos clave del mundo del hacking. El hacking, en su forma más básica, es el acto de obtener acceso no autorizado a un sistema informático. Esto puede ser una computadora individual, una red de computadoras, un servidor web, o cualquier otro tipo de sistema informático. Los hackers utilizan una variedad de herramientas y técnicas para acceder a estos sistemas, y una vez que tienen acceso, pueden hacer lo que quieran con ellos. Hay diferentes tipos de hacking, cada uno con su propio conjunto de objetivos y técnicas. Algunos de los tipos de hacking más comunes incluyen: Hacking ético: también conocido como "white hat" (sombrero blanco) hacking, es el acto de utilizar técnicas de hacking para ayudar a mejorar la seguridad de un sistema. Los hackers ético pueden ser contratados por empresas o organizaciones para probar la seguridad de sus sistemas y identificar vulnerabilidades. Hacking malicioso: también conocido como "black hat" (sombrero negro) hacking, es el acto de utilizar técnicas de hacking con fines malintencionados. Los hackers maliciosos pueden intentar robar información confidencial, dañar sistemas, o simplemente causar problemas para molestar. Hacking de red: se centra en el acceso y el control de redes informáticas. Los hackers de red pueden utilizar técnicas como el escaneo de puertos y la explotación de vulnerabilidades para acceder a redes y controlarlas. Hacking de aplicaciones: se centra en el acceso y el control de aplicaciones informáticas. Los hackers de aplicaciones pueden utilizar técnicas como la inyección de SQL y la explotación de vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones para acceder a aplicaciones y controlarlas. Para llevar a cabo cualquier tipo de hacking, los hackers utilizan una variedad de herramientas y técnicas. View full article
  8. Description Welcome to the “Ethical Hacking: Network Scan Nmap& Nessus| Network Security” course. Scan networks with vulnerabilities by using Nmap& Nessus. Master Cyber Security, ethical hacking, network hacking skills This is our 3rd course in our Ethical Hacking series. Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Cyber security is one that is definitely trending with a top-notch salary to match! Ethical hackers and cyber security professionals are some of the most in-demand professionals today as the world is experiencing a major skill shortage in the field of cyber security. It’s predicted we’ll have a global shortfall of 3.5 million cyber security jobs. The average salary for Cyber Security jobs is $80,000. If you are ready to jump in cyber security career, this course is a great place for you to start. During this ethical hacking course, I will teach you beautiful side of the hacking. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Udemy has a course for you. I wanted to use “Hacking Essentials” in front of the name of the course, but size limit didn’t allow it in Ethical Hacking . Why “hacking essentials”? To be able to perform a successful penetration testing or ethical hacking, first, you have to know all the secrets of your targets. You should find all the systems and network devices of your target network before proceeding an ethical hacking operation. On my complete course, you`ll discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap . You’ll learn all the details of Nmap , which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installing nmap by hands on lessons, you will be able to use it as an ip port scanner, open port tester and checking for devices’ operating system and other features in ethical hacking . Then in further lessons, we’ll scan the vulnerabilities of the network we discovered by using Nessus. Nessus is the most known vulnerability scanner and is in the third place of the most popular cyber security tools. This course starts at beginner levels so you don’t need to have a previous knowledge of network scanning, finding vulnerabilities in devices, using Nmap & using Nessus in Ethical Hacking. In this course I tried to show the importance of using free tools and platforms, so you don’t need to buy any tool or application. By registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want. In this course, we will learn how to use, Nmap, an active information collection tool and in this case which is the second step. On my complete Nmap course, you`ll discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap. You’ll learn all the details of Nmap, which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installing Nmap by hands-on lessons, you will be able to use it as an IP port scanner, open port tester and checking for devices’ operating systems and other features. A step by step approach will help you to track your progress on the go and learn needed skills gradually at your own pace. At the end of this course, you will both have a knowledge and a practical skill set about using network scanning, finding vulnerabilities on systems and learning the general competencies of ethical hackers. In this course you will learn; What is the TCP/IP model and how does it work What is OSI model? How does it work What is Port? What is the TCP/UDP port How to scan TCP or UDP services How active services are detected How to scan without getting caught in IPS & IDS systems How to interpret Nmap outputs Nmap scripting (NSE) and more Network Hacking Network Security ethical Ethical Intelligence nmap nessus nmap course nmap metaspolit Complete nmap Kali linux nmap ethical hacking penetration testing bug bounty hack cyber security kali linux android hacking network security hacking security security testing nmap Here’s just some of what you’ll learn by the end of course, Understand the main terminology of Network Scanning and Finding Vulnerabilities in devices in a network Using Nmap with full knowledge and experience How to scan a network for scripts Learn about network scan types Learn how to use Hping And much, much more….We have also added practical lab sessions in our course for sharping up your skills. Also after completion of the course, a certificate will be created for your arsenal. In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especially avoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and gotten them out. I have been working as a cyber security specialist and college instructor for 10 years after a decade of software engineering experience. I am the cyber security expert and the mentor of junior penetration testers as a Certified Ethical Hacker. I performed and managed internal/external/on-site/remote penetration tests & vulnerability assessments at top level financial institutions including global banks HSBC, City Bank, ING Bank; and much other public & private organisations. As a result of this expertise, I’m working with a handcrafted detail for creating the best and necessary content for my students. This approach also can be seen in my previous course’s reviews. See what my fellow students have to say: “Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in the security field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning.” – Pragya Nidhi “Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed… An effective real introduction to pentest.” – Ben Dursun “All applied and easy to grasp the content. Looking forward to getting next training of the lecturer.” – Jim Dowson “I liked this course! Lots of topics were covered. What I liked the most is the variety of tools used in this course. This way, someone who is willing to learn can pick up the tool that he is interested in and dive more into details. The most important thing is the experienced instructor who takes comments and reviews into consideration and gets back to you whenever there is room for improvement or new topics that might be interesting to you. I can summarise all in two words. I learned!” – Rami Zebian This is the best tech-related course I’ve taken and I have taken quite a few. Having limited networking experience and absolutely no experience with hacking or ethical hacking, I’ve learned, practiced, and understood how to perform hacks in just a few days. I’m always updating this course with fresh content, too FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking : What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist. For keeping up with that pace I’m always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge.After buying this course, you’ll have lifetime access to it and any future updates. I’ll personally answer all your questions As if this course wasn’t complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the “Ethical Hacking: Network Scan Nmap& Nessus| Network Security” course. Scan networks with vulnerabilities by using Nmap& Nessus. Master Cyber Security, ethical hacking, network hacking skills IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to learn network scan techniques by using Nmap Anyone who wants to learn finding vulnerabilities in devices in a network by using Nessus Anyone who to learn script scanning in a network People who are willing to make a career in Cyber Security Cyber Security Consultants who support / will support organizations for creating a more secure environment Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker People who want to take their ethical hacking skills to the next level Requirements 4 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (8 GB recommended) for ethical hacking and penetration testing 64-bit system processor is mandatory 10 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking and Nmap Nessus course Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as “Intel-VTx” Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) All items referenced in this course are Free A computer for installing all the free software and tools needed to practice A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking A strong work ethic, willingness to learn and plenty of excitement about the back door of the digital world Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Description Microsoft Windows is one of the most popular operating systems used worldwide. Windows includes an abundance of pre-installed applications, drivers, and updates. This high usage rate has led to Windows becoming a popular target for hackers. One of the most notorious exploits aimed at Windows is Eternal Blue. Exploits based on the infamous Windows blue screen of death exploit allow malicious users to take complete control of a targeted computer. Eternal Blue exploits a flaw in Microsoft’s implementation of the SMB protocol. The exploit allows for remote, persistent access to a compromised computer. After gaining access, an Eternal Blue hacker can gain further foothold by installing malicious programs and completing other tasks As the world becomes more connected and dependent on technology, many will become targets for cyberattacks. Many corporations lack the necessary cyber security measures to keep their systems safe. Consequently, hackers routinely exploit known security vulnerabilities in order to gain access to computer systems without authorization. Many users do not update their software and do not have antivirus protection- making them particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. In this course you will learn how to exploit a Windows 7 64-bit system using the Eternal Blue exploit. You will learn how to use the meterpreter shell, how to crack passwords and do privilege escalation. Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers Requirements Basic Linux skills recommended A Windows 7 computer (virtual machine or physical machine) [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  10. Description Welcome to Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course. Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Oak Academy has a course for you. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. In this course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Ethical Hacking skills. Our Student says that: This is the best tech-related course I’ve taken and I have taken quite a few. Having limited networking experience and absolutely no experience with hacking or ethical hacking, I’ve learned, practiced, and understood how to perform hacks in just a few days. I was an absolute novice when it came to anything related to penetration testing and cybersecurity. After taking this course for over a month, I’m much more familiar and comfortable with the terms and techniques and plan to use them soon in bug bounties. FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking on Udemy: What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… FAQ regarding Penetration Testing on Udemy: What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, or pen testing, is the process of attacking an enterprise’s network to find any vulnerabilities that could be present to be patched. Ethical hackers and security experts carry out these tests to find any weak spots in a system’s security before hackers with malicious intent find them and exploit them. Someone who has no previous knowledge of the system’s security usually performs these tests, making it easier to find vulnerabilities that the development team may have overlooked. You can perform penetration testing using manual or automated technologies to compromise servers, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other exposure points. What are the different types of penetration testing? There are many types of penetration testing. Internal penetration testing tests an enterprise’s internal network. This test can determine how much damage can be caused by an employee. An external penetration test targets a company’s externally facing technology like their website or their network. Companies use these tests to determine how an anonymous hacker can attack a system. In a covert penetration test, also known as a double-blind penetration test, few people in the company will know that a pen test is occurring, including any security professional. This type of test will test not only systems but a company’s response to an active attack. With a closed-box penetration test, a hacker may know nothing about the enterprise under attack other than its name. In an open-box test, the hacker will receive some information about a company’s security to aid them in the attack. What are the different stages of penetration testing? Penetration tests have five different stages. The first stage defines the goals and scope of the test and the testing methods that will be used. Security experts will also gather intelligence on the company’s system to better understand the target. The second stage of a pen test is scanning the target application or network to determine how they will respond to an attack. You can do this through a static analysis of application code and dynamic scans of running applications and networks. The third stage is the attack phase, when possible vulnerabilities discovered in the last stage are attacked with various hacking methods. In the fourth stage of a penetration test, the tester attempts to maintain access to the system to steal any sensitive data or damaging systems. The fifth and final stage of a pen test is the reporting phase, when testers compile the test results. Hi there, Are you ready to gain new cybersecurity skills to improve your career opportunities? Are you looking for a career in penetration testing? If you are planning an Ethical Hacking career and if this is something that interests you then you are at the right place. OAK Academy wants you to know we’re here to help. Network Security ethical Ethical Intelligence nmap nessus nmap course nmap metaspolit Complete nmap Kali linux nmap ethical hacking penetration testing bug bounty hack cyber security kali linux android hacking network security hacking security security testing nmap metasploit metasploit framework penetration testing oscp security testing windows hacking exploit bug bounty bug bounty hunting website hacking web hacking pentest+ pentest plus OSINT (Open Source Intelligent ) social engineering phishing social engineering tool kit ethical hacking metasploit password cracking penetration testing hacking cracking ethical hacking and penetration testing phishing oak academy crack complete ethical hacking nessus web hacking ethical hacking course white hat hacker web penetration testing complete ethical hack the complete ethical hacking course antivirus evasion password hack white hat hacking password hacking hacking course nmap metasploit shodan kali linux penetration hack web penetration web security complete ethical hacking course certified ethical hacking ruby burp armitage hacker cve nmap course ethical hacking hacking become ethical hacker oak academy ethical hacking 2021 penetration testing ethical hacker in 15 hours hacking 2021 become ethical hacker in 15 ethical hacking in 15 hours hacker ethical hacking and penetration testing ethical become ethical hacker in 15 hours 2021 malware become ethical hacker in 15 hour password cracking nessus ethical hacker 15 ethical hacker ethical hacker 15 hours become an ethical hacker ethical hacking 15 hours black hat hacking become ethical hacker in ethical hacking social media android hacking penetration learn ethical hacking hack 2021 javascript hacking shodan msfconsole passwordhack become a hacker ethical hacking metasploit password cracking Last year, Penetration Testers ranked as one of the 3 most in-demand jobs in the growing cybersecurity job market, and with our guided learning you’ll gain real-world, hands-on experience with the latest technologies. Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – 2021 provides you with the latest free tools and resources to grow your knowledge and achieve your career goals. Our video courses cover a broad range of topics and are accessible anytime, anywhere. You can gain real, hands-on experience from the comfort of your own home. No experience? Not a Problem If you don’t have any previous experience in Ethical Hacking, not a problem! Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours is for everyone! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. With this course, you will have a chance to learn to identify and expose weaknesses in an organization’s network with the same methods black hat hackers use to exploit their victims. And if you are a pro-Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones. Free Ethical Hacking Tools The good news is: All applications and tools recommended are free. So you don’t need to buy any tool or application. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work. So you will also learn all the tips and tricks so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers’ expertise. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you’ll also be very confident, and hungry to learn more. T Video and Audio Production Quality All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be, Seeing clearly Hearing clearly Moving through the course without distractions You’ll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Dive in now to our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – | Ethical Hacking 2021 course We offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course! Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: People who want to start from scratch and to move more advanced level People who are cyber security experts People who want job transition into Cyber Security System administrators who are on the front lines defending their systems and responding to attacks Other security personnel who are first responders when systems are under attack People who want to take their Ethical Hacking skills to the next level Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker in become ethical hacking and penetration testing course People who want to take their hacking skills to the next level in become ethical hacking penetration testing course Requirements 8 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher for ethical hacking and penetration testing (16 GB recommended) 64-bit system processor is mandatory for full ethical hacking and penetration testing course 20 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today in penetration testing [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  11. Description Pluralsight is not an official partner or accredited training center of EC-Council. This is what it all comes down to. After we’ve done our research, we’ve found our target, and identified its services, shares, users and resources, it’s time to take total and complete control of this box. In turn, we then use this box to repeat our efforts to pwn more boxes within the network as well as grab any intellectual property that could be of great worth. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. Find out about the OWASP top 10 most common Cyber Security and Web Application hacking threats. What you’ll learn Ethical Hacking: OWASP top 10 Web Application Hacking Find the top 10 threats from the OWASP list. Web Application Security: The basics. Each vulnerability has its own mitigations. There are ways that hackers can use the top 10 threats from the OWASP top 10. OWASP’s top 10 threats can be prevented with these methods. OWASP’s Top 10 Hacking Tips. Security for applications. The parts and features of a web application. Attack on the SQL Server. Attack on Parameter Tampering. An attack from behind that manipulates the hidden field. The attack is called “Cross Site Scripting.” Forceful Attack on Browsing. In this case, someone broke into your account. An attack on cookies that make you sick Attack on buffer overflow. The Attack: Security Misconfiguration Attack. Attack on Sensitive Data Vulnerability: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring. Requirements Willing: I want to learn A passion for cyber security interest in the security of Web applications Interest in the security of networks Description You’ve come to the “OWASP Top 10: Web Application Security Exploit for Beginners.” This is a good place to start. A lot of web applications are vulnerable to attacks called OWASP TOP 10. In this course, we’ll look at these attacks and learn how to take advantage of them. You’re going to: – Learn about the top OWASP attacks and how they work, as well as the tricks and techniques that go with them. – Find out how to get information about a target domain and look for people who might be victims. People from the Open Web Application Security Project will show you how to deal with 10 of the most common threats they have found (OWASP). You will learn: what are the OWASP top 10 threats? the effect on your business is that a security breach could have hackers/attackers / pen-testers who can carry out these threats. how these security threats can be dealt with You won’t have to know how to write code to understand the above points. A disclaimer: This course is for educational use only. At your own risk, use. You must get permission to use these and other techniques on things that aren’t yours. The author takes no legal responsibility for any illegal use of the techniques and methods in this course. If you like the course, please give it a good rating and tell your friends about it. Who this course is for: An Application Security Engineer is in charge of web application security. An engineer who works with network security and web applications In this case, the person is a “good hacker.” It is important to protect yourself on the internet [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. Description Hi there Welcome to my Android Hacking: Ethical Hacking for Android Apps & Devices course. Android Hacking, Android penetration testing with Android Ethical Hacking for Android Apps and devices | Android hack Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Due to its open-source nature, working with the Android platform necessitates constantly learning about the Android platform. Udemy’s Android development courses keep you ahead of this learning curve, with courses on Android operating systems and more. I really like the approach of this course. It first teaches you Java which is highly important for designing apps in Android. Next, the instructor focuses on the Android SDK to teach you how to build beautiful applications for smartphones. As the course title indicates, it is the complete guide. The Android platform is increasingly popular with developers, and a dominant force in the global smartphone market. As more businesses develop mobile apps for customer engagement, Android development skills are likely to stay in high demand. Android development is a software creation process that focuses on applications, better known as apps, that are compatible with devices running the Android operating system (OS). Because Android is an open-source project, developers have easy access to the Android software development kit (SDK). Many use this kit in conjunction with Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages to make their apps. The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, or Android package, which is an archive file that uses an .apk suffix. One APK file contains all Android app contents used by devices to install your app. When the app is complete and ready for release, Android developers can upload their apps to the Google Play Store for users to download. That’s way in this course, we also focused on android Hacking, android Hack, hack android, android ethical hacking and android hacking. Chances are, you’ve heard of Android many times. You may even have an Android smartphone, tablet, watch, or TV. But what is Android? Android is a mobile operating system (OS) that was designed and developed by Google. The Android OS is Linux kernel-based. So, what’s “Linux kernel,” and why is that such an essential detail about Android Development? In a nutshell, Linux kernel is an OS, well, sort of — it’s partially an OS. More like a small part of an OS, but an important one. The Linux kernel is the layer responsible for interfacing with the device’s hardware and managing the device’s CPU and memory. The Android OS is Linux kernel-based because the Linux kernel allows for a more open and customizable OS, which is what Android promotes — any device manufacturer can take the Android OS and make it their own. Imagine how bad it would be if, say, resources from application A read information from another application’s files and vice versa with no constraints — malicious, insecure interactions would take hold and bring the whole system to a halt. The sharing of information (data) between applications is an essential part of building inter-connected applications, so the android OS requires developers to set permissions that users must grant to do certain things. For example, for an application to access the phone’s File System (internal files), the user must give access first. This means the app developer must let the user know, in advance, what the app they are installing wants to access. For example, when a user installs an android app that needs to access the photo gallery or the phone’s camera, the app will ask for permission to access the gallery or the camera. The app user has the power to either grant or deny permission. App permissions in Android ensure the user’s protection from malware and software viruses. Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating system and as a result there are potentially millions of smartphone users at risk of data theft and other cyber attacks. That’s way in this course, we only focused on Android hacking. Mobile phones, tablets, computers and more have become an essential part of our daily life. People using the phones could be hit by bugs that are distributed widely and can be exploited by hackers relatively easily. These devices store critical information that needs to be protected from those who want to access it without our knowledge such as our contact list, passwords, emails etc. This is where the importance of the mobile phone’s security comes into play. In this course, you will learn how to hack Android apps ethically. While you are learning ethically hack you will also learn Android Architecture, Android’s Security models, Android Static Analysis and Developer Overview. This course is for all levels. We will take you from beginner to advance level. You will learn step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. At the end of the course you will learn; History of Android Android Ecosystem Android Architecture Android Software Stack Android Run time Analysis of APK file Structure in Android Studio Android’s Security Model Application Sandboxing Permissions and Selinux. Developer overview for Android apps Create an Android virtual device Android Components Developing a basic android app Connect Emulator or real device and Kali Rooting basics Reverse Engineering an APK file Information Gathering, Repackaging and Resigning an APK Static Analysis with MobSF Root Detection and Obfuscation Techniques. OWASP Mobile Top 10 Vulnerabilities Android Pentesting on vulnerable mobile apps What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… What is Android Development? Android development is a software creation process that focuses on applications, better known as apps, that are compatible with devices running the Android operating system (OS). Because Android is an open-source project, developers have easy access to the Android software development kit (SDK). Many use this kit in conjunction with Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages to make their apps. The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, or Android package, which is an archive file that uses an .apk suffix. One APK file contains all Android app contents used by devices to install your app. When the app is complete and ready for release, Android developers can upload their apps to the Google Play Store for users to download. What are some of the important tools for Android Development? The tools you will use for Android development depend on how you would like to focus your career as an Android developer. If you plan on focusing on native Android app development, you should know one or more of three programming languages: Java, Kotlin, and C++. Java and Kotlin are popular with a number of organizations that build their app natively. C++ is the popular choice amongst developers who build high-performance games or plan on doing entry-level SDK work. Some employers seek out Android developers that can create multiple platforms at the same time using programming frameworks like Flutter or React Native. If you are working with Flutter, you will also need to know Dart. If you are working with React Native, you will most likely also need JavaScript programming knowledge. Is Android Development a good career? With over 2.5 billion active Android users globally, Android development is a valuable skill that can help you enhance your career. Android development skills are in-demand around the world with various organizations across a broad range of industries. When these organizations build Android apps natively, the top three programming languages are typically Java, Kotlin, and C++. You can also look for a job in Android development that uses cross-platform solutions like Flutter or React Native. Whether you’re inspired to add a new language to your repertoire or prepare for an interview, you can find a ton of online resources on sites like OAK Academy to keep your Android skills well-rounded. Is Kotlin or Java better for Android Development? If you are building new Android apps, Kotlin is better suited because it is the recommended programming language for Android. If you are a first-time programmer, Kotlin android is also a better choice as it has safety features and concise syntax that will help you focus on learning core program fundamentals. You should note that in some cases, employers may seek out Android developers that have Java programming skills. For example, if you plan on joining an organization that already has an Android app, they may already be using Java. If they already have an app written in Java, it is unlikely they will want to redesign the app in a different language, such as android kotlin. Therefore, you should look at the job requirements to see if the job posting you are interested in lists Java as a required skill. No prior knowledge is needed! It doesn’t need any prior knowledge to learn Ethical Hacking This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I’ll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of the Android Hacking and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you’ll also be very confident. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you don’t need to buy any tool or application. You’ll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download Dive in now to my Android Hacking: Ethical Hacking for Android Apps & Devices course! Who this course is for: Penetration testers who want to do a Penetration Testing against Android mobile phones. Application developers who want to write secure mobile applications ans android ethical hacking. Anyone who want to protect themselves against mobile attacks. Anyone who wants to learn ethical hacking Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker in ethical hacking and penetration testing course People who are willing to make a career in Cyber Security Requirements 4 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (8 GB recommended) for ethical hacking and penetration testing 64-bit system processor is mandatory for ethical hacking course 10 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking and penetration testing course Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as “Intel-VTx” All items referenced in this course are Free A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking A strong work ethic, willingness to learn and plenty of excitement about the back door of the digital world Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today Desire to learn Android Ethical Hacking Android 11 [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  14. Description SQL injections are a common way to gain unauthorized access to web applications and extract data from them. In this course, instructor Malcolm Shore shows you the SQL command language and how it is used by attackers to craft SQL Injections. Malcolm begins with commonly encountered relational databases and the basics of the SQL command language. Then he focuses on advanced SQL commands that may be used by attackers to achieve SQL injections. Malcolm explains how to use a simple Python script and how an SQL injection changes the backend SQL query. Then he demonstrates how SQL injections could be used to exploit some testing targets. Malcolm steps through the process of automating SQL injection exploits, then finishes with advice on how to continue to hone your skills as a penetration tester. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  15. Ethical Hacking: Sniffers by Lisa Bock Ethical hackers: Get an inside look into the tools the black hat hackers use to “sniff” network traffic, and discover how to countermeasure such attacks. Security ambassador Lisa Bock explains what a sniffer is, and how hackers use it to intercept network traffic. She reviews the seven-layer OSI model, active vs. passive attacks, and the different types of protocol attacks, including MAC and macof attacks, DNS caching and forgery, DHCP denial-of-service attacks, and ARP cache poisoning. Learn how ethical hackers have an arsenal of tools to emulate these attacks and techniques, from examining headers and URLs to capturing images. Lisa relies on Wireshark, a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows, but also introduces other sniffing tools, including TShark, tcpdump, and CloudShark. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  16. Web Application Security and Ethical Hacking - Master Injection attacks with NoSQL, LDAP, LOG, CSV and SQL injection. What you'll learn Ethical hacking with injection attacks Web security Secure coding SQL Injection with PostgreSQL NoSQL Injection with MongoDB LDAP Injection with OpenLDAP LOG Injection CSV Injection Spring security Form login authentication Spring Data JPA Spring Data MongoDB Spring LDAP Spring Validation Description Are you a Java web developer and want to write secure code? Do you want to learn Ethical hacking and Web application security? With this hands-on injection attacks course you will start learning web security using one of the top vulnerabilities of OWASP Top 10 list. Injection attack is still listed in top 3 attacks in the OWASP Top 10 and it is important to prevent against injection attacks to develop secure web applications. As part of the blue and red security teams,I have a practical knowledge and I am here to help you learn the injection vulnerability in detail. In this course, you will focus on different type of injection attacks; SQL Injection NoSQL injection LDAP injection LOG injection CSV injection Ethical hacking and Web application security are the two important subjects of Cyber Security field and having practical knowledge about Injections will enable you to better understand the security concepts and make a quick start. In this course I will follow defense-in-depth principle and apply multiple solutions to each vulnerability to secure the web application in multiple layers. I will follow a hands-on approach. You will not only learn how to exploit an application using different kind of injection attacks, but also develop the vulnerable applications from scratch in which you will have a common web login module with spring security form login authentication, and separate applications for SQL, NoSQL and LDAP injections. The applications will be developed using Java and Spring boot along with the most used data sources, such as PostgreSQL for SQL Injection, MongoDB for NoSQL injection and OpenLDAP for LDAP injection. In each section there will be; Development of the vulnerable web application using Java, Spring boot and Spring security Hacking of the application with various attack payloads and with Ethical hacking examples Protection steps and the implementations to prevent injection attacks At the end of the course you will understand the different type of injection vulnerabilities, perform injection attacks against the vulnerable web applications you have developed, and learn how to protect your applications against the injection attacks using various techniques such as, Validation and sanitisation using white list approach Parametrised queries with prepared statements Escaping output Using secure trusted libraries Error handling and logging General coding practices If you want to skip the development and only perform the hacking of applications, you can jump into the injection lectures and download the source code provided in the resources section of that lecture. Be aware that you will still need to install PostgreSQL for SQL Injection, MongoDB for NoSQL injection and OpenLDAP docker container for LDAP injection. You can see how to install and configure these data sources in the beginning lectures of each injection section. Requirements Knowledge of Java Basic knowledge of Spring Framework Basic knowledge of SQL Basic knowledge of Web application development Who this course is for: Developers keen on web security, ethical hacking and secure coding One wants to dive into injection vulnerability with different attack types One likes to learn with a hands-on approach [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  17. Description What is sql injection? A SQL injection is an attack in which the attacker sends a specially crafted SQL query (statement), to a database server and modifies the database as desired. An SQL injection occurs when user input is improperly sanitized before being used in an SQL query. The vulnerability can be exploited by providing input via the user interface, or through hidden fields; however, if user input is used for parameters such as a name or an id, those parameters should be validated as well to make sure that no invalid input is used. SQL Injection: How does it work? In a vulnerable server, a parameter that is supplied by the user can be modified by the attacker in order to run arbitrary SQL code or commands on the back-end database. There are multiple ways of performing this kind of attack. What’s in this course In this course you will learn how to do SQL injection using a real world example. It’s a course for beginners who never did SQL injection before. After completing this course you will be able to detect if a website is vulnerable to SQL injection, be able to get data from the web apps database and compromise a database. Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers Requirements Basic Linux knowledge [hide][Hidden Content]]
  18. Protect yourself, gain the hottest new job skills, and learn the tricks the bad guys use - with Kali Linux & Metasploit! What you'll learn Secure your computer, your network, and your data from 99% of all attacks on the Internet. Test for security vulnerabilities using the tricks the bad guys use. Find and fix weaknesses and harden your computer's security. Avoid phishing, viruses, ransomware, and online scams. Keep yourself safe online, at home, at school, or at work. Requirements You should feel comfortable installing new software. Some experience entering commands in the Linux, Mac, or Windows command-line terminal is helpful. A PC, Mac, or Linux computer with up to 100 GB of free disk space to set up your FREE virtual lab. No programming experience required. Description ★★★★★ Join over 7,500 students in the top hands-on Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity course! ★★★★★ New and updated for VirtualBox 6.1 and Kali 2020.2 and later! Learn Ethical Hacking, one of the fastest-growing and highest-paying careers, with over 1 Million cybersecurity job openings available this year! Learn practical, useful cybersecurity step-by-step from Computer Science Professor Dr. Bryson Payne, a SANS|GIAC Certified Pen Tester (GPEN), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and author of the Amazon #1 New Release and Top 10 Best Seller in Children's Programming Books, Teach Your Kids to Code (2015, No Starch Press) and his latest book, Hacking for Kids (2020, No Starch Press). Dr. Payne is also the Director of the Center for Cyber Operations Education at the University of North Georgia and directs the National Cyber Warrior Academy summer program. Update 2020: Pre-order Dr. Payne's new book, "Hacking for Kids" on Amazon now! Give Yourself a Huge Advantage in a High-Tech World Quickly master new hands-on skills in Linux, Windows and Android hacking and cybersecurity. Set up your own safe, FREE virtual network and VM (virtual machine) lab for Ethical Hacking on your PC, Mac, and Linux. Protect yourself from viruses, phishing, ransomware, and other attacks by learning how the bad guys work, and how to stop them. Includes Mobile Hacking on your own Android VM, plus Car Hacking using can-utils and ICSim on Kali Linux. Great for beginners, or for capable computer users who want to learn both how and why to secure their data. Learn to fix vulnerabilities, and how to stop 85% of attacks by doing just four things. This is the security course everyone should take! Packed with real-world, practical examples, real hacking techniques, and easy-to-follow plain English instruction, Real-World Ethical Hacking is the course for the new generation of cyber heroes, as they build one of the top job skills of the 21st century! With over 1,000,000 cybersecurity jobs posted in the U.S. this year alone, and over 6 Million openings expected worldwide over the next few years, now is the time to skill up in cyber! I designed this course to be easily understood by beginners, with examples I use in my college information security courses and in high-school cyber summer camps. Whether you're retooling for a career change, adding skills to your resume for a raise, or just getting started, Real-World Ethical Hacking is the course for you! Quick, 4- to 10-minute lessons will get you performing real ethical hacking exercises in minutes. Over 75 video lectures and more than 8 hours of content will give you the practice you need to develop powerful new skills in cybersecurity and penetration testing! Protect your identity, your computer, your information, and your life - avoid social engineering, phishing, online attacks, ransomware and more! Plus, practical skills like: Retrieve files from an old computer (Mac or PC, laptop or desktop), even if you've forgotten the password Set up a virtual "sandbox" to safely open suspicious files without exposing your "real" computer Learn command-line short-cuts and power tools that make you look like a computer wizard! Understand how viruses and backdoors infect your computer AND phone, and how to stop them! Everything you need to get started right away Complete with all FREE online resources (VirtualBox, Kali Linux, and FREE, LEGAL copies of Windows 10 and Android virtual machines), combined with high-definition videos - you'll be able to work alongside a professor with almost 20 years' teaching experience at the University level. You'll also receive a Certificate of Completion upon finishing the course. No Risk: Preview videos from Sections 1, 2, and 4 now for FREE, and enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee when you enroll - zero risk, unlimited payoff! And, we've made this course easy to afford so anyone can get started now! Sign up for this course and get started securing yourself, your family, and your business today! ***** Bonus section on Car Hacking shows how to perform a Replay Attack on your car's Controller Area Network (CAN) using a $20-$70 cable and Kali Linux running CANsniffer and CANplayer! ***** Praise for Dr. Payne's courses on Udemy: ★★★★★ "Inspired" - ...An inspiring course taught by an inspired teacher. The examples are well-chosen -- demonstrating principles through engaging, colorful projects rather than by teaching abstract principles first... — Kent Osband, Udemy student ★★★★★ Clear examples... Bryson's delivery is well paced and good fun. — Sean Jon Darcy, Udemy student ★★★★★ “Dr. Bryson Payne is a computer scientist and professor of the highest caliber... he brings the power of computers within easy reach for learners young and old."—Dr. Antonio Sanz Montemayor, Informatics Professor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to protect their information, their family, their business, or their country from online attacks. If you want to learn useful, real-world ethical hacking skills, this is the course for you. This is NOT a certification course, but most skills will transfer to CEH, OSCP, and other hands-on certifications. Perfect for beginners, or for competent computer users who want to learn how and why to protect themselves online. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  19. Best Ethical Hacking course for hackers. Learn Advanced Scanning with Nmap, learn Hacking, become Cyber Security expert. What you'll learn Learn Ethical Hacking with NMAP Learn how to use Nmap Learn Nmap Basic and Advanced Scanning Techniques Learn about network scan types Learn about script scanning You will learn Nmap Discovery and Advanced Port Scanning Options With Nmap, you will learn to identify the operating system and running service versions of the target system You will learn options for bypassing firewall, IPS & IDS systems with Nmap What is TCP/IP model What is OSI model What is Port ? What is TCP/UDP port ? How to scan TCP or UDP services? How active servers are detected How to scan without getting caught in IPS & IDS systems How to interpret Nmap outputs How to scan with NSE script Discovering hosts with ARP ping scans Discovering hosts with ICMP ping scans NMAP Brute Force Attacks NMAP DNS Enumeration NMAP HTTP Enumeration NMAP MySQL Enumeration NMAP SMB Enumeration NMAP SNMP Enumeration HTTP Scripts-Part 1,2 HTTP Scripts-Part 2 Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities With Detecting Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities With NMAP NMAP Metasploit Integration Zenmap Armitage Bash Scripting 101 NMAP Bash NMAP Python Scripting Requirements Minimum 8 GB RAM 100 GB Free Harddisk space 64-bit processor Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 or Apple Mac OS X 10.12 and later versions A computer for installing all the free software and tools needed to practice A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about the back door of the digital world LIFETIME ACCESS, course updates, new content, anytime, anywhere, on any device Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today Description Welcome to the "Ethical Hacking: Complete NMAP For Ethical Hacking | 2021" course. Cyber security is one that is definitely trending with a top-notch salary to match! Ethical hackers and cyber security professionals are some of the most in-demand professionals today as the world is experiencing a major skill shortage in the field of cyber security. It's predicted we'll have a global shortfall of 3.5 million cyber security jobs. The average salary for Cyber Security jobs is $80,000. If you are ready to jump in cyber security career, this course is a great place for you to start. During this ethical hacking course, I will teach you beautiful side of the hacking. The Penetration Testing consists of 3 basic steps. These are target identification, gathering information about the target and attack. Information about a target can be collected in two ways. First; passive information collection Second; active information collection In this course, we will learn how to use, Nmap, an active information collection tool and in this case which is the second step. On my complete Nmap course, you`ll discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap. You’ll learn all the details of Nmap, which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installing Nmap by hands-on lessons, you will be able to use it as an IP port scanner, open port tester and checking for devices' operating systems and other features. No prior knowledge is needed! Our complete Nmap course starts at beginner levels so you don’t need to have previous knowledge of network scanning, finding vulnerabilities in devices, using Nmap. Free Tools In this course I used free tools and platforms, so you don’t need to buy any tool or application. In this course you will learn; What is the TCP/IP model and how does it work What is OSI model? How does it work What is Port? What is the TCP/UDP port How to scan TCP or UDP services How active services are detected How to scan without getting caught in IPS & IDS systems How to interpret Nmap outputs Nmap scripting (NSE) and more Network Hacking Network Security Discovering hosts with ARP ping scans Discovering hosts with ICMP ping scans NMAP Brute Force Attacks NMAP DNS Enumeration NMAP HTTP Enumeration NMAP MySQL Enumeration NMAP SMB Enumeration NMAP SNMP Enumeration HTTP Scripts-Part 1 HTTP Scripts-Part 2 Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities With Detecting Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities With NMAP NMAP Metasploit Integration Zenmap Armitage Bash Scripting 101 NMAP Bash NMAP Python Scripting By registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want. Why would you want to take this course? My answer is simple: The quality of teaching. See what my fellow students have to say: "Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in the security field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning." - Pragya Nidhi "Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed... An effective real introduction to pentest." - Ben Dursun “All applied and easy to grasp the content. Looking forward to getting next training of the lecturer." - Jim Dowson "I liked this course! Lots of topics were covered. What I liked the most is the variety of tools used in this course. This way, someone who is willing to learn can pick up the tool that he is interested in and dive more into details. The most important thing is the experienced instructor who takes comments and reviews into consideration and gets back to you whenever there is room for improvement or new topics that might be interesting to you. I can summarise all in two words. I learned!" - Rami Zebian It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist. Video and Audio Production Quality All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be, Seeing clearly Hearing clearly Moving through the course without distractions You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download Let`s dive in now my "Ethical Hacking: Complete NMAP For Ethical Hacking | 2021" course I offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the course! IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to learn network scan techniques by using Nmap Anyone who to learn script scanning in a network People who are willing to make a career in Cyber Security Cyber Security Consultants who support / will support organizations for creating a more secure environment Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker Those who want to start from scratch and move forward People who want to take their hacking skills to the next level Cyber security experts [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  20. Description Enumeration is designed for ethical hackers who want to build their skills in reconnaissance of targets and in optimizing their penetration testing. In this course, instructor Malcolm Shore teaches the basic methods of enumerating networks and targeting systems with common enumeration tools. Malcolm explains what enumeration is and gives you opportunities in the course for hands-on experience. He covers enumeration for local and remote hosts. Malcolm discusses how to enumerate web apps, the internet, and cloud resources. He also goes over how to use tools like SuperScan, NetScanTools Pro, Nmap, JXplorer, and more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  21. Description In order to assess—and ultimately, decrease—an organization’s risk, IT security professionals must first evaluate and reduce existing vulnerabilities. If you’re working to strengthen network security at your organization, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the processes, methodologies, and tools needed to assess vulnerabilities. In this course, security expert Lisa Bock takes a deep dive into the topic of vulnerability scanning, covering what you need to know to find and address weaknesses that attackers might exploit. Lisa goes over the basics of managing organizational risk, discusses vulnerability analysis methodologies, and shows how to work with vulnerability assessment tools, including Nikto and OpenVAS. Plus, she shares tools and strategies for defending the LAN. Lisa also includes challenge chapters to test your knowledge of each section, along with solutions videos for each challenge. Note: The Ethical Hacking series maps to the 20 parts of the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam (312-50) version 11. Topics include: Common causes of vulnerabilities Identifying and assessing vulnerabilities The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Outsourcing vulnerability analysis Leveraging Nikto and other vulnerability assessment tools Securing mobile devices Defending the LAN [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  22. Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking with Lisa Bock — Lynda What is ethical hacking? When it comes to cybersecurity, hacking comes in many colors: white, grey, black, and shades in between. White hat hackers use their skills for good. They practice ethical hacking: involved testing to see if an organization’s network is vulnerable to outside attacks. Ethical hacking is key to strengthening network security, and it’s one of the most desired skills for any IT security professional. If you’re interested in becoming an ethical hacker, or getting started securing your own network, this introduction is for you. Security expert Lisa Bock explores today’s threat landscape, dissecting the top attack vectors and motives for attacks. Lisa identifies a variety of ways to secure an organization, explores policies that help enforce security objectives, and more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  23. What you'll learn You will learn all the important aspects of Ethical Hacking You will also learn about Website Penetration Testing You will learn about Bug Bounty Mobile Hacking Forensics Practicals Practical Approach and Live Training Live Website Hacking Both Defensive and Offensive attacks explained Requirements Able to use PC and Internet Description Ethical Hacking + Website Hacking + Mobile Hacking and Forensics + Linux for Beginners: 4 in 1 Cyber Security Course 1. Ethical Hacking: Footprinting > Scanning > Gaining Access > Maintaining Access > Clearing Tracks > Generating Reports Footprinting: It is a technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system. Scanning: It can be considered a logical extension of active reconnaissance since the attacker uses details gathered during reconnaissance to identify specific vulnerabilities. Attackers can gather critical network information such as the mapping of systems, routers, and firewalls with simple tools like Traceroute. Port scanners can be used to detect listening ports to find information about the nature of services running on the target machine. Gaining Access: In this phase, hacker designs the blueprint of the network of the target with the help of data collected during Phase 1 and Phase 2. The hacker has finished enumerating and scanning the network and now decide that they have some options to gain access to the network. Maintaining Access: Once a hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks. Once the hacker owns the system, they can use it as a base to launch additional attacks. The longer a Hacker is able to maintain access the more information He may able to gather. Clearing Tracks: No thief wants to get caught, Prior to the attack, the attacker would change their MAC address and run the attacking machine through at least one VPN to help cover their identity, So no one can reach them. Generating Reports: Reports are a summary of your work deliver to management. You have to include what tools or techniques you have used during pen-testing and what results you got. You have t include screenshots if possible and classify threats on the basis of severity. 2. Website Hacking: Basics to Advanced Attacks= SQL + XSS + DoS & DDoS 3. Mobile Hacking: Learn the art of recovering deleted data and also learn about mobile forensics 4. Linux for Beginners: Bonus Course Provided to help you learn Linux Operating System After Completing all of the above courses you will become a Cyber Security Professional. Learn how Black Hat attacks and How you can Defend, as well as fight back. 5. BONUS: Learn to create a website in 30 seconds using AI New lectures will be added every month Who this course is for: People want to become a Cyber Security Expert Students who want to become Ethical Hacker People want to learn Bug Hunting Anyone who want to learn Internet Security [Hidden Content] Content: [Hidden Content]
  24. What you’ll learn Students learn to hack any Facebook and Instagram account Requirements You have very little information and basics about ethical hacking Description Welcome to this course, in this course, I have shown you different techniques to hack any social media account that hacks Facebook and Instagram account. Disclaimer — This course is for educational purpose only, I have no intention and I do not suggest anyone to hack any social media account without the permission of that person, because without permission social media hack Doing is a cyber crime and if you do such things neither I nor this course will be responsible for it. Only you will be responsible for that crime. In this course, there are 6 different types of things by which you can hack social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram. Along with this, I have given various things with the help of which you can hack social media account. There are various tools that you need to have to hack social media accounts and I have everything in my lecture that teaches you how to hack social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram. So what are you waiting for, come and join this course, and learn how to hack (morally, in Hindi) any Facebook and Instagram account. In this course, I have taught everything in Hindi so that the person who wants to learn can learn in easy and understandable language.aa Who this course is for: Ethical hackers [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  25. Ethical Hacking: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots — Lynda — Updated 2/10/2021 Ethical hacking—testing to see if an organization’s network is vulnerable to outside attacks—is a desired skill for many IT security professionals. In this course, cybersecurity expert Malcolm Shore prepares you to take your first steps into testing client defenses. Malcolm provides you with an overview of firewall technology, detailing how firewalls work in both Windows and Linux, as well as how to set up a firewall simulation in a GNS3 network. Next, he goes over web application firewalls, API gateway threat mitigation solutions, and how to use honeypots to detect intruders. Finally, he covers the main ways to manage a suspected intrusion, including how to use the Security Onion intrusion detection system (IDS). Note: The topics covered in this course are drawn from the Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots competency in the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) body of knowledge. Topics include: Applying the basics of the Windows Firewall Using advanced features in the Windows Firewall Reviewing firewall logs Linux iptables Setting up an iptables firewall Managing rules with Firewall Builder Setting up a Cisco PIX firewall Installing GNS3 How web application firewalls protect web servers Protecting API services with the WSO2 gateway Running the Cowrie honeypot Detecting intrusions with Security Onion [Hidden Content]] [hide][Hidden Content]]
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