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Locked SilentCryptoMiner v3.2.0 - Miner for ETH, ETC, XMR, RTM & many more


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A free silent (hidden) native cryptocurrency miner capable of mining ETH, ETC, XMR, RTM and much more, with many features suited for mining silently.

This miner can mine all the following algorithms and thus any cryptocurrency that uses one of them:

List of algorithms

Main Features

    Native C++ - Miner installer/injector and watchdog coded fully in C++ with no run requirements except a 64-bit OS
    Injection (Silent/Hidden) - Hide miner inside another process like explorer.exe, conhost.exe, svchost.exe and others
    Idle Mining - Can be configured to mine at different CPU and GPU usages or not at all while computer is or isn't in use
    Stealth - Pauses the miner and clears the GPU memory and RAM while any of the programs in the "Stealth Targets" option are open
    Watchdog - Monitors the miner file, miner processes and startup entry and restores the miner if anything is removed or killed
    Multiple Miners - Can create multiple miners to run at the same time, for example one XMR (CPU) miner and one ETH (GPU) miner
    CPU & GPU Mining - Can mine on Both CPU and GPU (Nvidia & AMD)
    Windows Defender Exclusions - Can add exclusions into Windows Defender after being started to avoid being detected
    Process Killer - Constantly checks for any programs in the "Kill Targets" list and kills them if found
    Remote Configuration - Can get the miner settings remotely from a specified URL every 100 minutes
    Web Panel Support - Has support for monitoring and configuring all the miners efficiently in a free self-hosted online web panel
    Rootkit - Has a built-in rootkit that can be enabled to fully hide the miner processes
    And many many more.

SilentCryptoMiner v3.2.0 - 04/01/2023

    Changed miner settings from being passed through the command line to instead be passed directly through the PEB
    Changed XMR miner to clear RAM during "Stealth" when possible
    Changed PEB calls to be more obfuscated due to new detections
    Changed miner to read the current executable path for installation directly from the PEB instead of a Windows API call
    Changed miner and watchdog to read the environmental variables directly by traversing the PEB
    Included rootkit directly inside the miner instead of using the rootkit installer to avoid the new AMSI detections and for more flexibility
    Changed rootkit to now run outside of the "Startup" installation flow to allow for it to run when "Startup" is disabled
    Moved "Install Rootkit" out from "Advanced Options" and renamed it to "Use Rootkit (Hide Miner)" since the rootkit should now be stable
    Updated compiler command options to reduce detections
    Added system call registry access functions to allow registry manipulation without using the Windows API or CMD
    Changed GPU checking to directly read the registry instead of using a WMI command with a file buffer
    Added signature cloning tab where you can clone the digital certificate of another program into the miner
    Moved administrator checks from powershell directly into the C++ code
    Added Task Scheduler "Startup" entry checking into the Watchdog
    Merged obfuscate.h library and obfuscatew.h library into a custom-made unified version called obfuscateu.h
    Added a custom-made SysWhispersU direct system call generator and removed the previous SysWhispers2
    Modified SysWhispersU and obfuscateu.h to use different encryptions in order to avoid XOR detections
    Added simple obfuscation to well-known SysWhispers constants and offsets to avoid static detections
    Readded explorer.exe as injection option
    Made explorer.exe the default injection option again
    Updated uninstaller to instead find the watchdog and miner processes by enumerating system mutex handles to find the owner process
    Added "Disable Windows Update" rollback into the uninstaller to allow the uninstaller to fix Windows Update during uninstallation
    Updated checker to instead check if the mutex is active to ascertain whether the miner and watchdog is running or not
    Merged many C++ files together to be able to store them unzipped in the project in order to make all code changes directly visible in commits
    Optimized and shortened many functions such as the previously verbose process creation function
    Increased delete pending injection temporary file name length to further decrease collision chance
    Fixed possible parent spoofing failure if required buffer size changes between system calls
    Change installation to call reg.exe and schtasks.exe directly when possible instead of through cmd.exe
    Fixed "Startup" installation bug on some systems when "Entry Name" contained a space
    Fixed support for Unicode characters inside the "Assembly" settings
    Updated both miners
    Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation (MatheusOliveira-dev)

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