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Locked Reko v0.9.1 - a binary decompiler


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Reko (Swedish: “decent, obliging”) is a C# project containing a decompiler for machine code binaries. This project is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

The project consists of front ends, the core decompiler engine, and back ends to help it achieve its goals. A command-line, a Windows GUI, and an ASP.NET front end exist at the time of writing. The decompiler engine receives inputs from the front ends in the form of either individual executable files or decompiler project files. Reko project files contain additional information about a binary file, helpful to the decompilation process or for formatting the output. The decompiler engine then proceeds to analyze the input binary.

Reko has the ambition of supporting decompilation of various processor architectures and executable file formats with minimal user intervention.

Changelog v0.9.1

    This is a minor release, but with a lot of new small features and fixes.

    A noteworthy new feature is Reko’s ability to automatically place decompiled procedures into different files, based on a OutputFilePolicy. An OutputFilePolicy decides into which files procedures should go, based on criteria like segment name, address offset within a segment etc. Future work will allow users to customize the placements on a per-procedure basis.

    The project has partially completed moving .csproj files to the new .NET SDK format (issue #748). Most files are now building to the netstandard2.0 target framework. Progress is stalled due to the complex Reko build process. If you’re interested in helping us get ready for .NET 5, contact the Reko team at

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    Initial support was added for the following CPU instruction set architectures:

        Motorola 6809
        ARC, ARCompact

    Other noteworthy new features include:

        Support for 16-bit OS/2 executables (with thanks to @claunia)
        Introduced rudimentary LE/LX executable support (with thanks to @claunia)
        Introduced support for Nintendo Switch (with thanks to @smx-smx)
        Enhancements to Xbox370 XEX executable loader (with thanks to @smx-smx)
        Apply relocations to MacOS classic A5 world (with thanks to @gbody)
        Implement finding ASCII and UTF-8 strings (with thanks to @ermshiperete)
        Stability and bug fixes in SSA transform (with thanks to @ptomin)
        Introduced 6502 emulator for handling C64 unpackers.
        Introduced support for CodeView debugging information.
        Introduced support for Commoder 64 T64 file format and MorphOS binaries.
        Introduced OMF library loader
        New AssembleAt method will allow patching of code with assembler language
        Handle Windows VxD dynamic linking fixups
        Fixes to i8051, ARM, M68k, PowerPC, X86 disassemblers and rewriters
        Changes to the C parser to handle Microsoft and IBM-specific extensions (__far, __near, __pascal, etc)
        Support for Microsoft Binary Format (5-byte floating point numbers)
        Generalized OllyDbg support to handle non-x86 architectures.

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