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Locked dotPeek: .NET Decompiler & Assembly Browser v3.1


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dotPeek can decompile any .NET assemblies into equivalent C# code and optionally show the underlying IL code.

Libraries, executables and more

dotPeek can work with a variety of formats, such as libraries (.dll), executables (.exe), and metadata files (.winmd).

dotPeek can also decompile .baml files, enabling you to reconstruct XAML UI definitions.

In addition to traditional assemblies and executables, you can have dotPeek open archives (.zip, .vsix, or .nupkg) and folders. You can also find and load NuGet packages (and their dependencies) from any online package source, or load packages listed in a packages.config file in your Visual Studio project.

What′s New in dotPeek

This page outlines what has changed in recent versions of dotPeek. Highlights include support for Portable PDB files and SourceLink, a metadata viewer, an assembly dependency diagram and navigation improvements.


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