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Locked PyCript: Burp Suite extension that allows for bypassing client-side encryption


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The Pycript extension for Burp Suite is a valuable tool for penetration testing and security professionals. It enables easy encryption and decryption of requests during testing, which can help evade detection and bypass security measures. The extension also offers the ability to customize the encryption and decryption process by writing custom logic using JavaScript and Node.js, making it a highly adaptable tool for various needs. Additionally, it supports both manual and automated testing, as well as custom encryption/decryption plugins, making it a versatile solution for different penetration testing scenarios.


     Encrypt & Decrypt the Selected Strings from Request Response
     View and Modify the encrypted request in plain text
     Decrypt Multiple Requests
    Perform Burp Scanner, Sql Map, Intruder Bruteforce, or any Automation in Plain Text
     Auto Encrpyt the request on the fly
     Complete freedom for encryption and decryption logic
     Ability to handle encryption and decryption even with Key and IV in Request Header or Body

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