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Locked Fenix Clipper v2.0.0 Wallets + Auto-Run + Hiden Installer + ByPass Antiviruses


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Clipper is written in C# and replaces it with the most similar one by the first and last characters from your list of wallets. It has a hidden installation in the system, auto-loading and bypassing popular antiviruses, it is removed from the place of the initial launch.

This program is for educational purposes only.
How you use this program is your responsibility.
I will not be held accountable for any illegal activities.


Bitcoin - 1*** 3*** bc1***
Ethereum All Tokens - 0x***
All Tokens, USDT, ETC...

Monero - 4*** 8***
Stellar - G***
Ripple - r***
Neocoin - A***
Bitcoin Cash - bitcoincash:*** q*** p***
Dogecoin - D***
Litecoin - M*** L***
Dashcoin - X***
Tron - T***
ZCash - t1***
Binance - bnb***

Fenix Clipper Release_2.0.0
Added an increase in file weight when creating a build and an increase in infection. pamp file.

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