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195 files

  1. $10

    Extreme Exploits - Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks

    Extreme Exploits - Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks
    Welcome to Extreme Exploits: Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks. The goal of this book is to help you better understand and cope with emerging information security threats and to impart upon you the experience-proven concepts and techniques we have developed defending some of the world's most targeted networks and information assets. This book presents a different perspective on network and information security than previous titles. Many of the books available on the information security bookshelf disclose hacks and counter-hacks by pointing the reader to hundreds of scripts and downloadable utilities. Still others focus narrowly on one or two software packages and specific environments or scenarios. In many cases, these texts quickly grow obsolete as tools and tactics evolve. Our text aims to conceptualize the threats while getting at the core matter behind them and provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the tactics and technologies involved in both defense and aggression. Armed with this knowledge, you'll make better use of the myriad of tools available today, but you'll also have the ability to design new tools, techniques, and operational policies for the future.
    This book is meant for security practitioners and systems and network administrators of all skill levels. If you're a fellow information assurance analyst, you'll be pleased to find that our focus is not how to locate and compile tools, but instead we discuss how tools should be used and exactly how they work. You won't find concatenated manual pages or regurgitated web content here. Many of the examples provided include the use of open source software, but the concepts being discussed are applicable to commercial software solutions, which makes this book useful to both large and small organizations.
    If you're a technical manager, you'll be pleased to find that our concise explanations of technology and techniques will help you navigate the jargon employed by software and equipment vendors and assist you in developing easily understandable synopses of threats and the countermeasures for your fellow managers. Likewise, our discussion of the concepts behind these defenses will make you a smarter buyer when it comes to information security solutions. Pay special attention to the "Checklist for Developing Defenses" section included at the end of every chapter. It provides a simple "To Do" list of the most important tactical actions you can take today that will help keep your network safe. We hope technical managers will ask their staff what is being done with regard to each and every checklist item, thereby raising awareness and sharing knowledge that may have great impact on the security of your organization.

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  2. $110 PRIV8

    +1000 Tutorials Hacking

    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user


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  3. From $110 PRIV8

    Private Carding & Hacking Tutorials Pack

    ▪️ Private Carding & Hacking Tutorials Pack
    ▫️ Invest 30$ and make 3000$ [Private Tutorial for making Money] [Illegal]
    ▫️ Money Making Machine 50$ Per Day
    ▫️ Ebay Carding Prv8 E-Book
    ▫️ Get Unlimited Live Credit Cards Method [Tested + Working]
    ▫️How To Hack Facebook Fan Pages and Earn Money
    ▫️ Dumps Checkers
    ▫️ How To Get Facebook 10K Likes
    ▫️ How To Get Free Domains
    ▫️ How To Earn Money Via Facebook Pages
    ▫️ Earn 100+$ In A day
    ▫️ How to Get Legal Thousand Of Website Visitor
    ▫️ How To Get Unlimited Dumps And CCV's
    ▫️ How To Hack Paypal Accounts
    ▫️ Walmart Carding
    ▫️ RDP Carding
    ▫️ VPN Carding
    ▫️ VPS Carding
    Download free for users PRIV8


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  4. $110 PRIV8

    Carding Course Videos Pack

    Carding typically starts with a hacker gaining access to a store’s or website’s credit card processing system, with the hacker obtaining a list of credit or debit cards that were recently used to make a purchase. Hackers might exploit weaknesses in the security software and technology intended to protect credit card accounts. They might also procure credit card information by using scanners to copy the coding from the magnetic strips.
    Download free for users PRIV8


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  5. $110 PRIV8

    Masters In Ethical Hacking Course 

    Masters In Ethical Hacking Course 
     Masters In Ethical Hacking Course By AM Pachori. He Is An Indian YouTuber, He Is Working On Ethical Hacking And Pentesting On YouTube, He Released This Course.
    ◾️ Course Price: INR 1499
    ◾️ Language: Hindi
    ◾️ Size : 2.05 GB
     Download : Free to user PRIV8


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  6. $110 PRIV8

    Money Making

    179 MB money making files 😍😍
    You can download them for free if you are a PRIV8 user


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  7. $110 PRIV8

    Dedsec Complete Course Collection Pack Of 6 Course [14 GB]

    Dedsec Complete Course Collection Pack Of 6 Course [14 GB]
    Advance Course Of Wifi Hacking
    Complete Android Hacking Course
    Complete Course Of Blackhat
    Facebook & Instagram Hacking Course
    Ethical Hacking Reverse
    Engineering & Cracking [ERC] Course
    Complete Course Of Kali Linux
    Source: https://www.dedseec.com/
    Link : Free download for users PRIV8


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  8. $110 PRIV8

    [PRIV8 FREE] 1500+ Hacking And Cracking Tricks Methods

    [Private] 1500+ Hacking And Cracking Tricks Methods

    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. 


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  9. $110 PRIV8

    500 GB Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍɪɴɢ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ Eʙᴏᴏᴋs + Tᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟs 

    500 GB Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍɪɴɢ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ Eʙᴏᴏᴋs + Tᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟs 

    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. 


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  10. $110 PRIV8


    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. 


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  11. $110 PRIV8

    Fraud Bible 2019

    Tutorials, Guides, etc.
    Fraud Bible 2019
    Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Princeton University]
    Clean Code; Writing Code for Humans
    Hacking wireless networks
    Hardware Security
    Introduction to Firewalls
    Introduction to Penetration Testing Using Metasploit
    Introduction to Pentesting
    Metasploit Basics
    Python – Beyond the Basics
    Python Fundamentals
    red hat
    Reverse Engineering
    Social Engineering
    SQL Injection
    System hacking
    The Complete Ethical Hacking Course – Udemy
    Wireshark 2.0
    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user. 


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  12. $110 PRIV8

    Certified Network Defender by EC-Council

    Certified Network Defender by EC-Council
     An Exclusive, Everything Related to Network Defender by EC-Council. 
    Download : Free for user Priv8


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  13. $110 PRIV8

    Pack Cyber Security 2019 Ebooks

    Everything You Need To Know To Get Started In Cybersecurity
    You can download these books and guides for free if you are a PRIV8 user.


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  14. $10

    Киберпреступник № 1. История создателя подпольной сетевой империи

    Описание книги Бестселлер The New York Times и Amazon! Реальная история о создателе крупнейшего онлайн-рынка для торговли наркотиками и оружием «Шелковый путь». Как ловили киберпреступника №1 и кем он оказался на самом деле ‒ читайте в этой книге.
    Вас ждёт правдивая и захватывающая история о гении киберпреступного мира, создавшего самый неуязвимый и масштабный «черный рынок» в Сети. Журналист Ник Билтон провел масштабное расследование, изучил тысячи документов и сотни тысяч свидетельств, чтобы создать эту уникальную книгу.

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  15. $10

    Митник Кевин. Искусство обмана

    Книга The Art of Deception - "Искусство обмана" - доказывает, насколько мы все уязвимы. В современном мире, где безопасность подчас выходит на первый план, на защиту компьютерных сетей и информации тратятся огромные деньги. Деньги тратятся на технологии безопасности. Эта книга объясняет, как просто бывает перехитрить всех защитников и обойти технологическую оборону, как работают социоинженеры и как отразить нападение с их стороны Кевин Митник и его соавтор, Бил Саймон рассказывают множество историй, которые раскрывают секреты социальной инженерии. Авторы дают практические советы по защите от атак, по обеспечению корпоративной безопасности и снижению информационной угрозы "Искусство обмана" не только демонстрирует, насколько опасна и вредоносна социоинженерия, но поможет разработать собственную программу тренинга по безопасности для сотрудников компании.

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  16. $10

    Исповедь кардера - Рождение Кардера [Алексей Малов]

    Как только вышла в свет первая банковская карта, так сразу появился человек, укравший с нее деньги. И назвался он кардером. И по сей день человек этот жив, а дело, начатое им и названное "кардинг", развивается и процветает во всем мире. Конец 90-х. Россия, полностью скинувшая с себя оболочку Советского Союза, с грохотом врывается в эпоху рыночной экономики. Люди, почувствовавшие вкус денег, начинают грести их лопатами и делят страну между собой. Казалось бы, все в нашей отчизне поделено, но подрастают новые гении финансовых афер и махинаций, и им необходима своя ниша. Именно они становятся первыми кардерами в России. 
    Робин Гуд современной эпохи, великий кардер, за которым по сей день охотится Интерпол. Человек, без зазрения совести обворовывающий западные банки, - Изя Питерский. Именно на основе его рассказов была написана эта книга.

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  17. $10

    Бабин - Лаборатория хакера

    Рассмотрены методы и средства хакерства с целью понимания и применения соответствующих принципов противодействия им. В виде очерков описаны познавательные эксперименты, которые может выполнить в домашних условиях каждый желающий, начиная со старшеклассника и студента. Используемые программы, как правило, бесплатны. Теории дан минимум, зато книга насыщена практическими приемами по разнообразным темам. Описан ряд способов перехвата паролей, взлома Wi-Fi-сетей, дальнейшие действия злоумышленника после проникновения в локальную сеть жертвы. Рассказано о шифровании данных, способах сохранения инкогнито в Интернете, методах взлома паролей из базы Active Directory. Много внимания уделено изучению хакинга с использованием смартфонов. Подробно рассмотрены практические методы генерации и использования радужных таблиц. За счет подробного описания настроек, качественной визуализации материала, преобладания ориентированности на Windows-системы (для примеров с UNIX подробно описывается каждый шаг), книга интересна и понятна любому пользователю персонального компьютера: от начинающего до профессионала. 
    Для пользователей ПК.

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  18. $10

    Hacking Gmail

    The first book to unlock the true power behind Gmail, Hacking Gmail will immediately appeal to Google and Gmail fans This is serious, down-and-dirty, under-the-hood, code-level hacking that will have readers eliminating the default settings, customizing appearance, disabling advertising, and taking control over their Gmail accounts Covers turning Gmail into an online hard drive for backing up files, using it as a blogging tool, and even creating customized Gmail tools and hacks Shows readers how to check their Gmail without visiting the site; use Gmail APIs in Perl, Python, PHP, and other languages, or create their own; and maximize Gmail as a host for message boards, photo galleries, even a blog

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  19. $10

    Подпольный интернет. Темная сторона мировой паутины Джейми Бартлетт

    Описание книги Интернет – это не только социальные сети, интернет-магазины и поисковые сайты. Есть и обратная сторона интернета – своего рода цифровое подполье, где царит полная анонимность, а содержимое сайтов открыто только для своих. Там можно найти все что угодно, в том числе и то, что запрещено законом. И в этой книге будут раскрыты тайны этого «подпольного интернета».

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  20. $10

    Practical Web Design for Absolute Beginners

    Learn the fundamentals of modern web design, rather than relying on CMS programs, such as WordPress or Joomla!. You will be introduced to the essentials of good design and how to optimize for search engines. You will discover how to register a domain name and migrate a website to a remote host. Because you will have built the web pages yourself, you will know exactly how HTML and CSS work. You have will complete control over your websites and their maintenance.
    Practical Website Design for Absolute Beginners centers around introducing small amounts of new code in short practical chapters and provides many website templates that can be easily adapted for your own websites. Each chapter builds on the templates created in the previous chapter. You are provided with a practical project to complete in most chapters, and taught to produce practical web pages right from the start.
    In the first chapter you will install and configure a free text editor, then you will produce the structure for your first web page. You will then gradually learn to create more sophisticated and increasingly practical web pages and websites.
    In this book you will be encouraged by means of a series of achievable goals, and you will be rewarded by the knowledge that you are learning something valuable and really worthwhile. You will not have to plow through daunting chapters of disembodied code theory because the code is described and explained in context within each project. Because each project is fully illustrated, you will see clearly what you are expected to achieve as you create each web page.
    What You'll Learn 
    Provides instructions for installing a text editor for producing HTML and CSS
    Shows you step-by-step how to build and test web pages and websites
    Teaches you how to ensure that your websites are attractive and useful
    Describes how to make the most effective use of color and images
    Teaches you the essential features of search engine optimization
    Shows you how to migrate your website to a remote host
    Who This Book Is For
    Practical Website Design for Absolute Beginners is for people who want to begin designing their own websites. It uses a highly motivational, easily assimilated step-by-step approach where you will start learning practical skills from the very first chapter. The book is an excellent choice for people who have computer skills but would also like to learn HTML and CSS. For readers who have little or no knowledge of HTML and CSS, the book will teach enough to complete all the projects in the book.

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  21. $10

    Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing

    Book Description
    As wireless networks become ubiquitous in our lives, wireless penetration testing has become a key skill in the repertoire of the professional penetration tester. The Kali Linux security distribution comes with a myriad of tools used for networking attacks and detecting security loopholes.
    Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide presents wireless pentesting from the ground up, introducing all elements of penetration testing with each new technology. Learn various wireless testing methodologies by example, from the basics of wireless routing and encryption through to detailed coverage of hacking methods and attacks such as the Hirte and Caffe Latte.

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  22. $10

    SQL Injection Attacks and Defense

    SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, First Edition: Winner of the Best Book Bejtlich Read Award
    "SQL injection is probably the number one problem for any server-side application, and this book unequaled in its coverage." –Richard Bejtlich, Tao Security blog
    SQL injection represents one of the most dangerous and well-known, yet misunderstood, security vulnerabilities on the Internet, largely because there is no central repository of information available for penetration testers, IT security consultants and practitioners, and web/software developers to turn to for help.
    SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition is the only book devoted exclusively to this long-established but recently growing threat. This is the definitive resource for understanding, finding, exploiting, and defending against this increasingly popular and particularly destructive type of Internet-based attack.
    SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition includes all the currently known information about these attacks and significant insight from its team of SQL injection experts, who tell you about:
    Understanding SQL Injection – Understand what it is and how it works Find, confirm and automate SQL injection discovery Tips and tricks for finding SQL injection within code Create exploits for using SQL injection Design apps to avoid the dangers these attacks SQL injection on different databases SQL injection on different technologies SQL injection testing techniques Case Studies Securing SQL Server, Second Edition is the only book to provide a complete understanding of SQL injection, from the basics of vulnerability to discovery, exploitation, prevention, and mitigation measures.
    Covers unique, publicly unavailable information, by technical experts in such areas as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL---including new developments for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Denali).
    Written by an established expert, author, and speaker in the field, with contributions from a team of equally renowned creators of SQL injection tools, applications, and educational materials.

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  23. $10

    Hacks XML 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools

    Developers and system administrators alike are uncovering the true power of XML, the Extensible Markup Language that enables data to be sent over the Internet from one computer platform to another or one application to another and retain its original format. Flexible enough to be customized for applications as diverse as web sites, electronic data interchange, voice mail systems, wireless devices, web services, and more, XML is quickly becoming ubiquitous. XML Hacks is a roll-up-your-sleeves guide that distills years of ingenious XML hacking into a complete set of practical tips, tricks, and tools for web developers, system administrators, and programmers who want to go far beyond basic tutorials to leverage the untapped power of XML. With plenty of useful real-world projects that illustrate how to define, read, create, and manipulate XML documents, XML Hacks shows readers how to put XML's power to work on the Internet and within productivity applications. Each Hack in this book can be read easily in a few minutes, saving programmers and administrators countless hours of searching for the right answer. And this is an O'Reilly Hacks book, so it's not just practical, imminently useful, and time-saving. It's also fun. From Anatomy of an XML Document to Exploring SOAP Messages XML Hacks shows you how to save time and accomplish more with fewer resources. If you want much more than the average XML user--to explore and experiment, do things you didn't know you could do with XML, discover clever shortcuts, and show off just a little--this invaluable book is a must-have.

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  24. $10

    Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security

    Learn to identify the social engineer by non-verbal behavior Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security focuses on combining the science of understanding non-verbal communications with the knowledge of how social engineers, scam artists and con men use these skills to build feelings of trust and rapport in their targets. The author helps readers understand how to identify and detect social engineers and scammers by analyzing their non-verbal behavior. Unmasking the Social Engineer shows how attacks work, explains nonverbal communications, and demonstrates with visuals the connection of non-verbal behavior to social engineering and scamming. * Clearly combines both the practical and technical aspects of social engineering security * Reveals the various dirty tricks that scammers use * Pinpoints what to look for on the nonverbal side to detect the social engineer Sharing proven scientific methodology for reading, understanding, and deciphering non-verbal communications, Unmasking the Social Engineer arms readers with the knowledge needed to help protect their organizations.

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  25. $10

    Ubuntu Hacks: Tips & Tools for Exploring, Using, and Tuning Linux

    Ubuntu Linux--the most popular Linux distribution on the planet--preserves the spirit embodied in the ancient African word ubuntu, which means both "humanity to others" and "I am what I am because of who we all are." Ubuntu won the Linux Journal Reader's Choice Award for best Linux distribution and is consistently the top-ranked Linux variant on DistroWatch.com. The reason this distribution is so widely popular is that Ubuntu is designed to be useful, usable, customizable, and always available for free worldwide.
    Ubuntu Hacks is your one-stop source for all of the community knowledge you need to get the most out of Ubuntu: a collection of 100 tips and tools to help new and experienced Linux users install, configure, and customize Ubuntu. With this set of hacks, you can get Ubuntu Linux working exactly the way you need it to. Learn how to:
    Install and test-drive Ubuntu Linux.
    Keep your system running smoothly
    Turn Ubuntu into a multimedia powerhouse: rip and burn discs, watch videos, listen to music, and more
    Take Ubuntu on the road with Wi-Fi wireless networking, Bluetooth, etc.
    Hook up multiple displays and enable your video card's 3-D acceleration
    Run Ubuntu with virtualization technology such as Xen and VMware
    Tighten your system's security
    Set up an Ubuntu-powered server
    Ubuntu Hacks will not only show you how to get everything working just right, you will also have a great time doing it as you explore the powerful features lurking within Ubuntu.
    "Put in a nutshell, this book is a collection of around 100 tips and tricks which the authors choose to call hacks, which explain how to accomplish various tasks in Ubuntu Linux. The so called hacks range from down right ordinary to the other end of the spectrum of doing specialised things...More over, each and every tip in this book has been tested by the authors on the latest version of Ubuntu (Dapper Drake) and is guaranteed to work. In writing this book, it is clear that the authors have put in a lot of hard work in covering all facets of configuring this popular Linux distribution which makes this book a worth while buy."
    -- Ravi Kumar, Slashdot.org

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