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Locked Demon Linux


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I have been using this for a while now. Great light Distro


What is Demon Linux?

Demon linux us an information security-themed distribution of Debian Linux. It has taken the place of WeakNet Linux with a whole new design, UI/UX, tool-set, and more. The project is approriately named, considering that it came from my own frustrations with how poorly designed user interfaces are and how terrible most user experiences in software are becoming more prevalent. I want a beautiful experience that is also user friendly.

The Desktop

The new desktop environment, which replaces Fluxbox, is build from XFCE. The choice came from simply going through the many "lightweight" desktop-environments (window managers) available for Linux and XFCE was smooth and worked without any vague, noisy and annoying, panel, screen resolution, or menu errors and warnings like Cinnamon/Budgie did.

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For the Penetration Tester

It comes in an easy-on-the-eyes dark theme, the UI is easy to understand and use, and comes pre-packed with tons of tools that you will need during your penetration testing and CTF exercises. I built these tools into the distribution with specific configurations that I personally use for red team practice with HackTheBox.eu, VulnHUB, and other resources. You can find many tools outside of the usual $PATH in my own area /infosec. Tolls will be considered and added on a first come basis. If you'd like to see tools added, please request them through my new
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For the Developer

Demon Linux is great for developing software. In fact,
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has many IDEs and developer tools to install instantly.

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The Menu

The new menu for the desktop environment beats what I had made for Fluxbox for miles. Simply hit the WIN/SUPER key on your keyboard and start typing what you want to open/search for. Aleternatively, you can hit WINDOWS+s for the main menu without search.

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The Dock

I decided to go with the default XFCE dock and scrap my old wbar-fork I made for WeakNet LINUX. This is simply because I like to intuitive design of the dock. I still got to make pretty icons for some of the most commonly used tools in the distribution. If you would like to add more, you can use the default, Papirus-Dark icons, or my own custom in /usr/share/demon/images/icons/

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The Browser

I realize that I spend a lot of time in a web browser during penetration testing. Either by trying to gain a foothold in a box through a web application, researching for exploits and vulnerabilties, or simply listening to Spotify. With this in mind, and how the browser really should integrate with desktop environment in a cooperative manner, I decided to go with Firefox for this distribution and ditch Google Chrome. Firefox has a lot of great infosec-related plugins that I have added right into the distribution for you. The famous Hack Tools panel is now integrated with the developer-tools - simply hit F12 and you'll see the HackBar tab on the bottom right. I have also created a TOR and BurpSuite entrie for FoxyProxy Basic.

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Session Management

Penetration testing and CTF takes a long time. Espcially if you are constantly TRYING HARDER. Taking breaks is essential and protecting your screen, session, and data is even more essential. This distro comes with a login/log out session manager called LightDM. Remember, the default username and passord for The Demon are, root:weaknet. Change the password as soon as you install The Demon onto a virtual disk using the installer.

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Quickly take screenshots or record your desktop using the quick access menu icons on the top right of the panel.

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The Tools

This distribution comes packed with all of the tools that you should need while doing your basic CTF, or Penetration Test exercises. If you find a tool that you use daily missing from the distribution, request to have them added to my
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Some of the categories of tools for this distribution include,
  • Penetration Testing / offensive information security
  • Capture the flag (CTF)
  • Digital Forensics
  • Encryption and Data Protection
These tools have been moved from /pwnt to /infosec

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This distribution has a lot of built in support with firmwares and drivers for a wide array of hacking devices, including WiFi adapters, Bluetooth sniffers, and more. Below is a screenshot of the plug-and-play capabilities of the
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- Simply plug it in, install "Bluefruit" from the Demon App Store, and run bluefruit_sniffer.sh

802.11 Band Spectrum Analysis? The Demon has that too! Check out the support for the Ubiquiti Airview 2 device - just plug and play!

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802.11 USB Devices? I use ALFA devices because the USB support in VMWare is incredible. Here are two different ALFA devices with two different chipsets, RTL8187 and Atheros ath9k, running side by side in Demon Linux,

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Demon Linux was built with my own custom-made tools and scripts which are available on my GitHUB page from the link in the navigation bar. The installer is still in the "experimental" phase, as I had to heavily rewrite what I had for older versions of Debian, so if you come into issues, I would like to know so that I can resolve them. I will be tracking issues with the installer at my GitHUB page, so please file the issue
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2019 | [email protected] | Douglas Berdeaux
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