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Locked SecretScanner v1.0.8 - Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems


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What are Secrets?

Secrets are any kind of sensitive or private data which gives authorized users permission to access critical IT infrastructure (such as accounts, devices, network, cloud-based services), applications, storage, databases, and other kinds of critical data for an organization. For example, passwords, AWS access IDs, AWS secret access keys, Google OAuth Key, etc. are secrets. Secrets should be strictly kept private. However, sometimes attackers can easily access secrets due to flawed security policies or inadvertent mistakes by developers. Sometimes developers use default secrets or leave hard-coded secrets such as passwords, API keys, encryption keys, SSH keys, tokens, etc. in container images, especially during rapid development and deployment cycles in CI/CD pipeline. Also, sometimes users store passwords in plain text. Leakage of secrets to unauthorized entities can put your organization and infrastructure at a serious security risk.

Changelog v1.0.8

    (feat.) add option to run secretscanner as server in standalone mode by @ibreakthecloud in #67
    Add SECURITY.md by @scovetta in #72

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