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Locked SUDO_KILLER v2.0.7 - identify and exploit sudo rules’ misconfigurations and vulnerabilities within sudo


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SUDO_KILLER is a tool that can be used for privilege escalation on the Linux environment by abusing SUDO in several ways. The tool helps to identify misconfiguration within sudo rules, vulnerability within the version of sudo being used (CVEs and vulns), and the use of dangerous binary, all of these could be abused to elevate privilege to ROOT.

SUDO_KILLER will then provide a list of commands or local exploits which could be exploited to elevate privilege. It is worth noting that the tool does not perform any exploitation on your behalf, the exploitation will need to be performed manually and this is intended.


Some of the checks/functionalities that are performed by the tool.

    Dangerous Binaries
    Vulnerable versions of sudo – CVEs
    Dangerous Environment Variables
    Credential Harvesting
    Writable directories where scripts reside
    Binaries that might be replaced
    Identify missing scripts

What version 2 of SK includes:

        New checks and/or scenarios
                CVE-2019-14287 – runas
                No CVE yet – sudoedit – absolute path
                CVE-2019-18634 – pwfeedback
                User Impersonation
                list of users in sudo group

        Performance improved
        Bugs corrected (checks, export, report,…)
        Continous improvement of the way output presented
        New videos will be added soon
        Annonying password input several time removed
        New functionality: offline mode – ability to extract the required info from audited system and run SK on host.
        Testing environment : A docker to play with the tool and different scenarios, you can also train on PE.

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