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Locked Dorkbot Infects Spanish Speaking countries


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The 'botnet' Dorkbot infects more than 81,000 teams in Spanish-speaking countries !!


The worm Dorkbot remains one of the greatest threats detection rate in Spanish speaking countries. The malicious code, mostly spread through social networks, turns infected computers into a network of botnet steals login credentials for users and makes phishing attacks against banks in the region. The security company Eset has explained that the botnet, which has already recruited more than 81,000 computers in Spanish speaking countries, thus becomes one of the botnet largest discovered so far that has been distributed almost exclusively among Spanish-speaking users. Chile , is the most committed to the 44 percent of infected computers, ahead of Peru with 15 percent and Argentina with 11 percent. Spain not far behind with the not inconsiderable figure of 8 percent of infections. According to research, in addition to attack phishing recognized using six banks in the region and spread through social networks, Dorkbot has a module of information theft. This means that when the infected user is connected to services such as Gmail, Facebook, Hotmail or Twitter login credentials are sent to the attacker. Thus, the cybercriminal again threatens to spread the credentials obtained from zombie computers. According to data obtained by the Laboratory for Analysis and Research of Eset, we have managed to violate more than 1,500 corporate accounts. This incident is particularly disturbing when it causes at the enterprise level as it can cause damage to the reputation of the company concerned, lead to data loss or theft of sensitive information as well as cause a malfunction of the corporate network. "This 'botnet' , among other things, aims to steal corporate accounts. This aspect is particularly evident the importance of staying informed and have the tools necessary to prevent hacking into corporate environments, "said the security officer of Eset Latin America Paul Ramos.



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