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Locked ehtools framework v3.0 Wi-Fi penetration tools


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ehtools framework

Wi-Fi tools keep getting more and more accessible to beginners, and the Ehtools Framework is a framework of serious penetration tools that can be explored easily from within it. This powerful and simple tool can be used for everything from installing new add-ons to grabbing a WPA handshake in a matter of seconds. Plus, it’s easy to install, set up, and utilize.
Attacking frameworks

Most new Wi-Fi hacking tools rely on many of the same underlying attacks, and scripts that automate using other more familiar tools like Aireplay-ng are often referred to as frameworks. These frameworks try to organize tools in smart or useful ways to take them a step beyond the functionality or usability of the original program.

An excellent example of this are programs that integrate scanning tools like Airodump-ng, attacks like WPS Pixie-Dust, and cracking tools like Aircrack-ng to create an easy-to-follow attack chain for beginners. Doing this makes the process of using these tools easier to remember and can be seen as sort of a guided tour. While each of these attacks is possible without the hand-holding, the result can be faster or more convenient than trying to do so yourself.

An example of this we’ve covered is the Airgeddonframework, a wireless attack framework that does useful things like automating the target selection process and eliminating the time a user spends copying and pasting information between programs. This saves valuable time for even experienced pentesters but has the disadvantage of preventing beginners from understanding what’s happening “under the hood” of the attack. While this is true, most of these frameworks are fast, efficient, and dead simple to use, enabling even beginners to take on and disable an entire network.

Changelog v3.0

EPP updated to v4.0
Added EPP Crypto v1.4
Added login and password encryption
Added KDE konsole support!
Added ehtools application and ehtapp utility
Added a new utility named ehtkey (ehtools key)
Updated ehtmod (ehtools modules)
Updated Modules to v1.9 and renamed to ehtmod
Updated ehtools (now you can stable login to ehtools)
Fixed EHT-2019-02776 (nologin) vulnerability!
Updated epasswd (now you can change login/password)
Removed $EPATH firmware commander shell
Removed ehtools update helper (euh)
Added snapshots (more information in README.md/Utilities)
On this version you can turn off ehtools password protection!
Updated ehtools/install.sh and epasswd utility!
Added arissploit option!
Added ehtools simple shell option!
Added reboot and shutdown options!
Added update APT sources option!
Added some new features to main menu!
Updated ehtools PRO UX/UI Impruvements
Updated ehtools LITE UX/UI Impruvements

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