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Locked XSS Fuzzer: generates XSS payloads based on user-defined vectors and fuzzing lists


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XSS Fuzzer is a simple application written in plain HTML/JavaScript/CSS which generates XSS payloads based on user-defined vectors using multiple placeholders which are replaced with fuzzing lists.

It offers the possibility to just generate the payloads as plain-text or to execute them inside an iframe. Inside iframes, it is possible to send GET or POST requests from the browser to arbitrary URLs using generated payloads.

XSS Fuzzer is a generic tool that can be useful for multiple purposes, including:

  •     Finding new XSS vectors, for any browser
  •     Testing XSS payloads on GET and POST parameters
  •     Bypassing XSS Auditors in the browser
  •     Bypassing web application firewalls
  •     Exploiting HTML whitelist features

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