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Locked FruityWifi – Wireless Network Auditing Tool


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FruityWifi is an open source wireless network auditing tool, it allows the user to deploy advanced attacks by directly using the web interface or by sending messages to it.

Initially the application was created to be used with the Raspberry-Pi, but it can be installed on any Debian based system.


FruityWifi is an open source tool to audit wireless networks. It allows the user to deploy advanced attacks by directly using the web interface or by sending messages to it.


Initialy the application was created to be used with the Raspberry-Pi, but it can be installed on any Debian based system.


FruityWifi v2.0 has many upgrades. A new interface, new modules, Realtek chipsets support, Mobile Broadband (3G/4G) support, a new control panel, and more.


Tested in Debian, Kali Linux, Kali Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi), Raspbian (Raspberry Pi), Pwnpi (Raspberry Pi), Bugtraq.

What’s New


With the new version, it is possible to install external modules. This functionality gives the user more flexibility and the FruityWifi can be customized.

The modules can be added or removed anytime using the on-line repository.


Now it is possible to use FruityWifi combining multiple networks and setups:


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Within the new options on the control panel we can change the AP mode between Hostapd or Airmon-ng allowing to use more chipsets like Realtek.


It is possible customize each one of the network interfaces which allows the user to keep the current setup or change it completely.

It also has a new interface, new modules, Realtek chipsets support, Mobile Broadband (3G/4G) support, a new control panel, and more.



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