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Locked XLM Macro Deobfuscator v0.2.6 - Extract and Deobfuscate XLM macros


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XLM Macro Deobfuscator

XLM Macro Deobfuscator can be used to decode obfuscated XLM macros (also known as Excel 4.0 macros). It utilizes an internal XLM emulator to interpret the macros, without fully performing the code.

It supports both xls, xlsm, and xlsb formats.

It uses xlrd2, pyxlsb2, and its own parser to extract cells and other information from xls, xlsb, and xlsm files, respectively.

You can also find XLM grammar in xlm-macro-en.lark

Changelog v0.2.6

    Fix bug in interpreting a formula if contains a sheet name that is a valid col name like C1

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