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Locked PowerShell for Pentesters: Course repository for PowerShell for Pentesters Course


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PowerShell for Pentesters is a basic introduction to using PowerShell on internal penetration tests. This course is essentially the PowerShell module from my popular Movement, Pivoting, and Persistence course on TCM Academy and Udemy. In the course we will cover:

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    User, group, and workstation enumeration
    Domain enumeration
    Downloading with PowerShell
    Group Policy Enumeration
    ACL Enumeration
    PowerShell Remoting
    PowerView and other popular offensive PowerShell scripts
    Mimikatz exploitation

Scripts are provided for easy installation of Active Directory functionality, however, no instruction will be given on installing virtual machines in the video. A lab guide provided in this repo will outline the basics for installing your network on Virtualbox. The process is similar on VMWare Workstation and Workstation Pro.

You will need Hashcat for the course, which is accessible at https://hashcat.net/hashcat/. You can also access Hashcat through Kali Linux if you have it installed. A course wordlist is included in the repo which contains user passwords when necessary, and will not require a GPU to crack.

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