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Locked Bopscrk v2.3 - generate smart and powerful wordlists


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Bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists.

Included in BlackArch Linux pentesting distribution and Rawsec’s Cybersecurity Inventory since August 2019.

The first idea was inspired by Cupp and Crunch. We could say that bopscrk is a wordlist generator situated between them, taking the best of each one. The challenge was to try to apply the Cupp’s idea to more generic-situations and amplify the shoot-range of the resultant wordlist, without losing this custom-wordlist-profiler feature.

How it works

    You have to provide some words which will act as a base.
    The tool will generate all possible combinations between them.
    To generate more combinations, it will add some common separators (e.g. “-“, “_”, “.”), random numbers, and special chars.
    You can enable leet and case transform to increase your chances.
    If you enable lyricpass mode, the tool will ask you about artists and it will download all his songs’ lyrics. Each line will be added as a new word. Then it will be transformed in several ways (leet, case, only first letters, with and without spaces…). Artist names will be added too.
    You can provide wordlists that you already tried against the target in order to exclude all these words from the resultant wordlist (-x).

Changelog v2.3

    Customizable configuration for artists and lyrics transforms using the cfg file
    Requirements at setup.py updated
    Multithreads logic improved
    Leet and case order reversed to improve operations efficiency
    BUG FIXED in lyrics space replacement
    BUG FIXED when removing duplicates (Type Error: unhashable type: ‘list’)
    Memory management and efficiency improved
    SPLIT INTO MODULES to improve project structure
    BUG FIXED in wordlists-exclusion feature

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