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Graphical tool for reverse engineering of Angular projects.

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It allows you to navigate in the structure of your application and observe the relationship between the different modules, providers, and directives. The tool performs static code analysis which means that you don’t have to run your application in order to use it.

Creating a custom theme

You can add your own theme by creating a [theme-name].theme.json file in Electron [userData]/themes. For a sample theme see

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Application Requirements

Your application needs to be compatible with the Angular's AoT compiler (i.e. you should be able to compile it with ngc).

Using with Angular CLI

  1. Open the Angular's application directory.
  2. Make sure the dependencies are installed.
  3. Open ngrev.
  4. Click on Select Project and select [YOUR_CLI_APP]/src/tsconfig.app.json.

Using with Angular Seed

  1. Open the Angular's application directory.
  2. Make sure the dependencies are installed.
  3. Open ngrev.
  4. Click on Select Project and select [YOUR_CLI_APP]/src/client/tsconfig.json.

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How to use?


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