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Locked Sqlninja 0.2.6 is now available


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Sqlninja’s goal is to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications that use Microsoft SQL Server as back end. It is released under the GPLv3.There are a lot of other SQL injection tools out there but sqlninja, instead of extracting the data, focuses on getting an interactive shell on the remote DB server and using it as a foothold in the target network.

Here’s what it does:


Fingerprint of the remote SQL Server (version, user performing the queries, user privileges, xp_cmdshell availability, DB authentication mode)

Bruteforce of 'sa' password (in 2 flavors: dictionary-based and incremental)

Privilege escalation to sysadmin group if 'sa' password has been found

Creation of a custom xp_cmdshell if the original one has been removed

Upload of netcat (or any other executable) using only normal HTTP requests (no FTP/TFTP needed)

TCP/UDP portscan from the target SQL Server to the attacking machine, in order to find a port that is allowed by the firewall of the target network and use it for a reverse shell

Direct and reverse bindshell, both TCP and UDP

ICMP-tunneled shell, when no TCP/UDP ports are available for a direct/reverse shell but the DB can ping your box

DNS-tunneled pseudo-shell, when no TCP/UDP ports are available for a direct/reverse shell, but the DB server can resolve external hostnames (check the documentation for details about how this works)

Evasion techniques to confuse a few IDS/IPS/WAF

Integration with Metasploit3, to obtain a graphical access to the remote DB server through a VNC server injection

Integration with churrasco.exe, to escalate privileges to SYSTEM on w2k3 via token kidnapping

Support for CVE-2010-0232, to escalate the privileges of sqlservr.exe to SYSTEM


Download SqlNinja

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