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Private Declare Function CallWindowProcA Lib "USER32" (ByRef cThunk As Currency, Optional ByVal lParam1 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam2 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam3 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam4 As Long) As Long


Public Function Invoke(ByVal sLib As String, ByVal sProc As String, ParamArray vParams()) As Long

Dim c_ASM(10) As Currency

Dim laParam(9) As Long ' Can hold up to 10 parameters

Dim ubParam As Long

Dim i As Long


c_ASM(0) = 5346974063.2405@

c_ASM(1) = 450362124065.4592@

c_ASM(2) = -840675099979975.6544@

c_ASM(3) = 32215026889133.3612@

c_ASM(4) = 359737946606915.0956@

c_ASM(5) = 11471138451.1451@

c_ASM(6) = 60967375356290.6628@

c_ASM(7) = 558759139303391.2148@

c_ASM(8) = 835895524977734.7344@

c_ASM(9) = -149265701023907.8648@

c_ASM(10) = 84090454.0147@


sLib = StrConv(sLib & vbNullChar, vbFromUnicode)

sProc = StrConv(sProc & vbNullChar, vbFromUnicode)


ubParam = UBound(vParams)

For i = 0 To ubParam

laParam(i) = CLng(vParams(i))

Next i


Invoke = CallWindowProcA(c_ASM(0), StrPtr(sLib), StrPtr(sProc), ubParam + 1, VarPtr(laParam(0)))


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