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Locked AutoitC - compile autoit to C++


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AutoItC 0.1.0 (alpha)



WARNING: This is an Alpha Version. Several features may be missing or incomplete.



Content of this file:


1. Directory Structure Overview

2. How To Start

3. AutoItC-Converter

4. License




1. Directory Structure Overview



/include The header files for the runtime library of AutoItC

/intern The source files for the runtime library of AutoItC - This folder might not exist in the binary-only version of AutoItC

/AutoItC-Converter The source files of AutoItC-Converter.exe - This folder might not exist in the binary-only version of AutoItC

/AutoItC-Converter.exe Command line tool which converts the AutoIt-script to C++-files

/Compiler.au3 AutoIt-script which automates the compiling process

/Compiler.exe Compiled version of Compiler.au3

/libAutoItC.a Runtime library




2. How to start



AutoItC is Windows only.

You need at least gcc 4.7 for compiling C++ to executables..

Before using AutoItC add the path of gcc to the environment variable PATH or modify Compiler.ini.

Run Compiler.exe or Compiler.au3 and select the input and output file and do the compiling automatically.


You can also do the code generation with AutoItC-Converter and then compile and link manually with the command line.

See 2. AutoItC-Converter for more details about the options.




3. AutoItC-Converter



AutoItC-Converter is a command line tool which converts the AutoIt script to C++.


-iPATH path to include files (e.g. -i..\include)

if not set, no includes-directory exists

-fFILE process FILE

-fFILE must be set or the compiler will break with an error message

-oFILE write the output into FILE

default is out.cpp

-l print a short version of the license (GPL)



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