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Locked [Autoit] File/Folder recursive search


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This function searchs for a file/folder in the given path(can be all disk) and give the results on a file.



; #FUNCTION# ;================================================= ==============================

; Name...........: File/Folder Searcher Recurvise

; Description ...: Searches the given path(can be the full disk) for a file or a folder especificated.

; Syntax.........: _search_files ($Directory,$Search4,$What2Return,$file)

; Parameters ....: $Directory= Directory where to search for the file/s its a recursive search

; $Search4= Name of the folder or file to search for, you can use ? * as you would with CMD, also you can search for extension ex: "*.pdf". The search string must be between "

; $What2Return= If you want to return files and folders (0) only files (1) or only folders (2)

; $file= Absolut path to the file where to save the founded files.

; Return values .: Success - Returns 0

; Failure - Returns 1

; Author ........: 0b3y

;================================================= ===========================================





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Edited by 0b3y
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