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Locked CloudFlare Resolver


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Cloudflare Resolver
    _________ .__                   .___ _____.__                         __________                    .__                        \_   ___ \|  |   ____  __ __  __| _// ____\  | _____ _______   ____   \______   \ ____   __________ |  |___  __ ___________    /    \  \/|  |  /  _ \|  |  \/ __ |\   __\|  | \__  \\_  __ \_/ __ \   |       _// __ \ /  ___/  _ \|  |\  \/ // __ \_  __ \    \     \___|  |_(  <_> )  |  / /_/ | |  |  |  |__/ __ \|  | \/\  ___/   |    |   \  ___/ \___ (  <_> )  |_\   /\  ___/|  | \/     \______  /____/\____/|____/\____ | |__|  |____(____  /__|    \___  >  |____|_  /\___  >____  >____/|____/\_/  \___  >__|              \/                       \/                 \/            \/          \/     \/     \/                     \/                                                                                                     
Enter URL :
<?php //Cloudflare Resolver // class Cloudflareresolve { private $arr = array( 'mail.', 'direct.', 'direct-connect.', 'cpanel.', 'ftp.', 'forum.', 'blog.', 'm.', 'dev.', 'webmail.', 'record.', 'ssl.', 'dns.', 'help.', 'www.'); private function is_valid($url) { if(filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) return true; return false; } private function is_ip($url) { if(filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) return true; return false; } private function detect_cloudflare($url) { $headers = @get_headers($url); if(strstr($headers***91;1***93;,"cloudflare")) return true; return false; } private function getip($url) { return gethostbyname($url); } public function resolve($url) { if(!$this->is_valid($url)) { echo 'The entered URL is not a vaild URL'; exit(); } if(!$this->detect_cloudflare($url)) { $urll = parse_url($url); $url = $urll***91;'host'***93;; $ip = $this->getip($url); echo 'No cloudflare detected


'; echo 'IP of '.htmlentities($url).' is '; if($this->is_ip($ip)) { echo $ip.'

'; } else { echo 'N/A'; } exit(); } echo 'Cloudflare detected! Trying to resolve


'; $url_p = parse_url($url); $url_h = $url_p***91;'host'***93;; if(strstr($url_h,'www.')) { $temp = explode('www.',$url_h); $url_h = $temp***91;1***93;; } foreach($this->arr as $val) { $check_url = $val.$url_h; echo 'IP for : '.htmlentities($check_url).' is : '; $ip = $this->getip($check_url); if($this->is_ip($ip)) { echo $ip; } else { echo 'N/A'; } echo '

'; } } } if(isset($_POST***91;'url'***93;,$_POST***91;'submit'***93;)) { $obj = new Cloudflareresolve(); $obj->resolve($_POST***91;'url'***93;); } ?> [/LENGUAJE]
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