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Locked Standalone File & Executable Updater [Class, uses XML]


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Standalone File & Executable Updater [Class, uses XML]


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I know you can also use ClickOnce or any other plugin/library for this.

But i just liked creating this and was for learning purposes.


- Usage


Define a new Updater instance. -> Parameters: local or weblink to the .xml file.

UpdateCurrentExecutable() -> Forces to update the current executable with the given download link in the .xml file and executes it.

UpdateCurrentExecutableIfNeeded() -> Asks the user to update the current executable, if there is a new update available.

UpdateFile(string path) -> Forces to update the file to the given path, with the given download link in the .xml file.

UpdateFileIfNeeded(string path) -> Asks the user to update to the given path, if there is a new update available.

DownloadLatestUpdate() -> Downloads the latest update available and saves it in the temporary folder. Returns the path to the file.

DownloadUpdate(Update update) -> Downloads the given update and saves it in the temporary folder. Returns the path to the file.



- Requirements


You will need a .xml file somewhere to read your updates from.

This .xml file could be local or somewhere on the web.

The Updater class uses this .xml format:


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