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Locked Odbg 110 LifeODBG v1.4 / odbg 110 9in1 for Themida


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Odbg 110 LifeODBG v1.4


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tool purpose:

this tool can let you debug a client process as a normal process,you can use normal debugger(exp:ollydbg) to debug the parent process at the same time.


Usage help:


1.This tool must inject into the parent process and listen client process create event.

2.If the parent process not started with the client process at the same time and parent process first.we need inject the debugger by myself.Just selete a process in list and click "inject" ,a debugger will be started. if not please check the lifeODBG's privilege or selected "step up privilege" have another try.when the debugger started,it's just like a simple debugger,if you not selected "Auto listen" be front of Inject you must start listen manually.Just use debugger open a program(exp:notepad.exe).After listen started,the debugger just like fool until the client process created.

3.If the parent and client process start at the same time,we only click "O" to select the program we need,type in the command line in left edit control and click "Debug",the process and debugger will be created automatically.But if not select "auto listen" beforehand,we need start listen manually.(exp:Armadillo)



"Inject":Just inject the debugger into selected process.

"Inject DLL":Just inject a DLL into selected process.

"Refresh":Refresh the processes list.

"Single debug mode":Let the injected debugger just like a simple debugger,It is can debug but not client process.

"Disable handle close":Disable the client process close the handles in debug event.(exp:Debug EncryptPE).

"Set up privilege":Set up the LifeODBG.exe's privilege.

"Auto listen":turn into debug stats automatically when the debugger be injected.

"Passive mode":Just use for the process we started is a client process when the parent process append start debugger automatically.

"Call back debug event":Set up who will be call back to the debugger.




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odbg 110 9in1 for Themida


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Hide OllyDBG Plugin V1.02


1.Hide IsDebuggerPresent

2.Hide NtGlobalFlag

3.Hide ProcessHeapFlag

4.Patch ZwQueryInformationProcess (==patch UnhandledExceptionFilter)

5.Patch ZwSetInformationThread

6.Patch CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

7.Patch OutputDebugStringA

8.Anti heap-checking (For themida1.9.5.0)



! Fixed the bug of patching ZwSetInformationThread (For themida

+ ADD heap-checking.


Debug themida1.9.5

1.Modify window caption in the file ollydbg.exe (CPU,OLLYDBG...)

2.Click "Hide ALL" (choose HideDBG plugin)



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