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Locked OllyExt 1.74 by Ferrit


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OllyExt 1.74 by Ferrit


The main intention of this plugin is to provide the biggest anti-anti debugging features and bugfixes for Olly 2.xx. Updates will come...


VMProtect support!


The currently available commands are the following:

- Code Rip to Clipboard

- Code Rip to Clipboard Recursive

- Data Rip to Clipboard


The currently supported protections are the following:

- IsDebuggerPresent

- NtGlobalFlag

- HeapFlag

- ForceFlag

- CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

- OutputDebugString

- CloseHandle

- SeDebugPrivilege

- BlockInput

- ProcessDebugFlags

- ProcessDebugObjectHandle

- TerminateProcess

- NtSetInformationThread

- NtQueryObject

- FindWindow

- NtOpenProcess

- Process32First

- Process32Next

- ParentProcess

- GetTickCount

- timeGetTime

- QueryPerformanceCounter

- ZwGetContextThread

- NtSetContextThread

- KdDebuggerNotPresent

- KdDebuggerEnabled

- NtSetDebugFilterState

- ProtectDRX

- HideDRX

- DbgPrompt

- CreateThread


The currently supported bugfixes are the following:

- Caption change

- Kill Anti-Attach ( dll integrity check )



- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)


OS support:

- WinXP x32

- WinXP WoW64

- Win7 x32

- Win7 WoW64



- Because of missing PDK function data ripping is ONLY on 2.01 latest supported


If you have any problem just notify me.



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