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Locked Wormf00d Booter


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Step 1: Download the booter source, either public or premium one.

Step 2: Upload the files to your webhost, extract them, load them.

Step 3: You should have a mySQL error.

Step 4: Open dbc.php, edit the configuration according to yours on Lines 3,4,5,6.

Step 5: To make a user go to cPanel main menu and choose "mySQL Databases"

Step 6: Create a database, and a user.

Step 7: After doing the above, assign the user to that database.

Step 8: Give that user all priviledges.

Step 9: Edit dbc with the information you just created.

Step 10: You should now be able to register.

Step 11: After registering, go to phpMyAdmin

Step 12: Choose your database, now click users.

Step 13: Find yours, click edit and change approve 0 to 1, and user_level 0 to 5.

Step 14: Theres a hub file we need to edit, edit includes/ezSQL.php Lines 44 and 71 with your database info.

Step 15: If you would like to change the logo, it's located at images/info.png, if you wanna change the location edit header.php on line 16.

Step 16: To turn Shell Rotation on, Open dbc.php and edit line 8 from 0 to 1, to turn it off do that change 1 to 0. RotationAmount on line 9 is the amount of shells you want each hit to use.

Step 17: To fix your booters name, Open phpMyAdmin, chose your database, then go to config, then edit the value to your booter name.

Step 18: To change the register.php title to your booter's name, edit "Your Booter" on line 83 to Your booters name.


Credits for guide: Wynston




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