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Locked Kwort 4.0


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About Kwort


Kwort is a modern and fast Linux distribution that combines powerful and useful applications in order to create a simple system for advanced users who finds a strong and effective desktop. Kwort is based on CRUX, so it's robust, clean and easy to extend.

Kwort 4


Kwort 4 is finally here! For those who don't know, Kwort 4 is a full x86_64 system (finally!). In the last couple of week we've been testing Kwort 4 hardly to see if everything is "stable-enough".

This new version is actually pretty awesome, fast, stable, and with the simplicity that has always characterized Kwort.

Because of the architecture switch, we have everything rebuilt from scratch, from the toolchain to the latest X11 application. And of course, our package mirror is already populated with some useful packages.

Now, the most significant technical aspects:


  • Linux kernel 3.8.5.
  • Chromium 25.0.1364.97.
  • Firefox 20.0 is available in the iso in more/xapps.
  • LibreOffice 4.0.1 is also available in more/xapps.
  • Our new installation system, as the system in general got a significant speed up because of the architecture upgrade.
  • Of course, our system remains light and clean as Kwort users like it.



As always, I would like to thank the people who helped making Kwort as good as it is, some in more ways than others:


My good old friend, Andreas Schipplock, as always for replicating the image to the main hosting and for testing.

Our infrastructure providers, the people from PGHosting and Ricardo Brisighelli for the package mirror and development environment in the UNR.

As usual, a big thanks to the CRUX people for developing it, as it is the system Kwort is based on; CRUX 3 made this version really easy to build.

And of course, the people who develop every project Kwort makes use of. A SUPER THANK YOU.



I really encourage you all to join Kwort's mailing list to ask questions, request features, make suggestions or help other users:

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You can also jump in our IRC channel to talk about anything you want and stay in touch with the people behind Kwort: irc://irc.oftc.net/Kwort



Credit: nomius



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