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Locked Email's- Extractor


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Email'z [Extractor]-----------------------------------------------This tool has been programmed by SoUiLaHxXx_DzExtrae los correos electrónicos de tipo:"gmail", "hotmail", "yahoo", "aol", "correo", "rocketmail", "naranja", "live", "Panorama"[LENGUAJE=php]Email'z [Extractor]

Email'z [Extractor]

/* CoDeD By SoUiLaHxXx_Dz Greets To All My Friends :)*/$types = array("gmail","hotmail","yahoo","aol","mail","rocketmail","orange","live","outlook");// 536F55694C61487858785F447Aif($_POST["staa"] && !empty($_POST["mails"])){ // Q29EZUQgQnkgU29VaUxhSHhYeF9Eeg== foreach(explode("\n", $_POST["mails"]) as $mail){ foreach($types as $type){ if(eregi("@".$type, $mail)){ $file = fopen($type.".txt", "a"); fwrite($file, $mail."\n"); } } } echo ''; if(file_exists("hotmail.txt")){ rd("hotmail.txt"); echo 'Hotmail : '.count(file("hotmail.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("gmail.txt")){ rd("gmail.txt"); echo 'Gmail : '.count(file("gmail.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("yahoo.txt")){ rd("yahoo.txt"); echo 'Yahoo : '.count(file("yahoo.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("aol.txt")){ rd("aol.txt"); echo 'Aol : '.count(file("aol.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("mail.txt")){ rd("mail.txt"); echo 'Mail : '.count(file("mail.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("rocketmail.txt")){ rd("rocketmail.txt"); echo 'Rocketmail : '.count(file("rocketmail.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("orange.txt")){ rd("orange.txt"); echo 'Orange : '.count(file("orange.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("live.txt")){ rd("live.txt"); echo 'Live : '.count(file("live.txt")).''; } if(file_exists("outlook.txt")){ rd("outlook.txt"); echo 'Outlook : '.count(file("outlook.txt")).''; } echo ''; echo '


';}function rd($file){ $text = array_unique(file($file)); if($text) $f = @fopen($file,'w'); if($f){ fputs($f, join('',$text)); }}// Q29EZUQgQnkgU29VaUxhSHhYeF9Eeg==echo '.::CoDeD By SoUiLaHxXx_Dz::..::MaDe in AlGeria 2014::.';// 536F55694C61487858785F447A?>
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