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Locked AddMeFast All In One BOT [Never Crashes]


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AddMeFast All In One BOT

[iMacros][1000 Points => 1h] [Never Crashes]






We all know what the most popular exchange site out there is. That's right, it's AddMeFast. You put something in to receive something and your requests are completed almost instantly.


But isn't it a hassle earning all those points so you could receive "Social Signals". And they do matter for SEO ranking.


But you don't wanna buy those points. It's not worth it.

Did you ever think everything could be done on auto-pilot?


Did you ever dream about going to sleep and then waking up to find that you have earned more than 10,000 points?


This is where the iMacros Scripts come in.

These scripts can automate the process of earning points, thereby reducing your work load but at the same time earning you more points.


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Scripts included in this package :


1) AddMeFast FaceBook followers.

2) AddMeFast FaceBook Page Likes.

3) AddMeFast FaceBook Post Likes.

4) AddMeFast FaceBook Post Share.

5) AddMeFast FaceBook Share.

6) AddMeFast InstaGram Followers.

7) AddMeFast InstaGram Likes.

8) AddMeFast Pinterest Followers.

9) AddMeFast Pinterest Likes.

10) AddMeFast Reverbnation Fans.

11) AddMeFast Twitter Followers.

12) AddMeFast Twitter Re-Tweets.

13) AddMeFast Twitter Tweets.

14) AddMeFast YouTube Likes.


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I've included a mass video un-liker and fb fanpage un-liker as a bonus for all those who need it.


Benefits of Script :


1) It never crashes.

2) It has been updated to work with AMF's new algorithms.

3) You can earn tons of points. Just see below for proof.


Requirements :


1) Firefox (Latest) Which can be downloaded from here :

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2) iOPus iMacros Add-On for firefox which can be downloaded from here :

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3) A good internet connection.


Instructions :


These are just the basic instructions. Detailed instructions for newbies is given below.


1) After downloading and installing everything, open up firefox. In the top right corner, you will see the iMacros button.

Click on it and a window will pop-up on the left hand side.

2) Download the scripts from the link given below.

3) Extract them to the iMacros directory which is usually :

C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\iMacros\Macros

4) Now restart firefox and in the window that opened in the left hand side previously, you will see the scripts.

5) Log-In to AMF.

6) Select which script you want to run.

7) Set the number of loops.

8) Click on play loop.

9) Sit back and enjoy.


Some Tips and Tricks :


1) Don't carry any operations while the script is running in any browser.

2) Don't use firefox when running the scripts.

3) Sign out of AMF on all other Devices except the one on which you're running the scripts.

4) It also doesn't hurt if you have a fast net connection.


If anyone is getting the "You are closing the pop-up too fast error", try the following to improve your chances of earning points :


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Can't get it to work properly? Are you getting the 'Oops something went wrong, you are closing the pop up too fast' error? Well here are a few ways to kill it and start earning points like a PRO.


1) First and foremost, check the first page of the thread and read the instructions on how to run an iMacros script.

2) To kill that error, you could try any of the following methods ;




Changing the wait time : (Caution : if you do not know what you are doing, then do not try this or you may end up getting the script useless)

For this purpose, let us take the example of Pinterest likes :


You see this? :



Change it to any value, slowly increasing it by one second each time and then testing it to see if the configuration works. Only change it in the places highlighted below :



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You can change it from 2 seconds to 5 and then 7 followed by 10 to any value that best suits your net speed. But please remember that AMF allows you to stay on a page only for 24 seconds after which it automatically closes the pop up.





Run a mass unlike script or unsubscribe script to unlike all pages and unsubscribe from all channels and start earning points. Trick the system by watching some YouTube videos manually and earn points manually every now and then so as to hide the traces of the BOT.


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