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Locked Sculptor v1.0 - SQL injection vulnerabilities


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The application is used for performing automation testing and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities


Sculptor Features


Sculptor is a powerful tool which used for testing and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities and have wonderful user interface.


Here are some features about Sculptor:

- Sculptor supports the following databases:


SQL Server

Microsoft Access

- Sculptor supports the following injection types:

Classic SQL injection

Blind SQL injection

- Sculptor supports automatic site scanning for SQl injection [Full Site SQLI scanner].

- Sculptor supports SQL Bypass Authentication [bypass authentication Engine].

- Sculptor supports auto detects vulnerability.

- Sculptor supports specific injections[Manaual Query].

- Sculptor supports Hyper Text Transfer Protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) [HTTPS].

- Sculptor supports HTTP Get and Post type.

- Sculptor supports HTTP Post and has 3 methods for Post injection [HTTP Post Engine feature].

- Sculptor supports executing specific queries in DB.

- Sculptor supports dumping data to HTML file or XML File.

- Sculptor supports getting all databases.

- Sculptor supports end query with any text feature.

- Sculptor Supports proxy.

- Sculptor supports control panel search feature.

- Sculptor supports crawling and export links.

- Interactive user interface



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You can see videos about how to use some features in Sculptor application from the following links:


Sculptor - Sql Authentication Bypass



Sculptor - Sql injection - Http Post Method



Sculptor - Sql Injection - Get All DataBases



Sculptor - Blind SQl Injection



Sculptor - Sql Injection - AutoDetect



Sculptor - Sql Injection - Specific Injection


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