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Locked Hack service [link]


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Re: Hack service [link]


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We collect and analyze thousands of web and social media sources every day for cybercrime events. We organize it all by the affected industry and crunch it with heavyweight analytics. The results? You know what could be affecting, not just your networks, but your company's brand, customer loyalty, product perception, customers, suppliers and partners.


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A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.


vbSpiders Online Tools List


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  • md5 Hash Generator
  • html Encoder
  • php Encoder
  • whois lookup
  • localroot exploits Bank
  • shells \ helpful tools

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hack service [link]


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When using an anonymity or privacy service, it is extremely important that all traffic originating from your computer is routed through the anonymity network. If any traffic leaks outside of the secure connection to the network, any adversary monitoring your traffic will be able to log your activity.


DNS or the domain name system is used to translate domain names such as

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into numerical IP addresses e.g. which are required to route packets of data on the Internet. Whenever your computer needs to contact a server on the Internet, such as when you enter a URL into your browser, your computer contacts a DNS server and requests the IP address. Most Internet service providers assign their customers a DNS server which they control and use for logging and recording your Internet activities.


Under certain conditions, even when connected to the anonymity network, the operating system will continue to use its default DNS servers instead of the anonymous DNS servers assigned to your computer by the anonymity network. DNS leaks are a major privacy threat since the anonymity network may be providing a false sense of security while private data is leaking.


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File Analyzer analyses the behavior of potential malicious executables such as *.exe, *.dll and *.sys files. It's built on top of Joe Sandbox Desktop.


Executables are analyzed with a technology called Hybrid Code Analysis (HCA). HCA combines dynamic and static program analysis into one powerful tool. Joe Sandbox Desktop uses over 300 behavior signatures to detect, classify and rate malicious behavior and artifacts.


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MobileVerification™ identifies which of your customers mobile phone numbers are live or dead in real time.

We can enable you to:


  • Check if a mobile number is live or invalid
  • Identify the home network of a mobile number
  • Check if a mobile number has been switched on recently
  • Identify fake or inaccurate mobile numbers
  • Work in real-time via our API for web form validation or use our fully managed service

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hack service [link]


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The bitcoin network might be anonymous in terms of single-handedly revealing your ip address, but the transaction history is recorded in the block chain and is publically available, which makes your anonymity very vulnerable. Once the interested parties, be it authorities or just interested researchers have acquired any one of your addresses or transactions, they could easily track your money around the network.


And knowing your transaction history, connecting your bitcoin addresses to real you is possible, because you will at some point need to exchange your bitcoins to or from a fiat currency using a bank account number, a credit card, LR account or similar service which is much less anonymous than the bitcoin network.


We are providing a solution for this: using our service you mix up your bitcoins in our own pool with other users' bitcoins, and get paid back to other addresses from our mixed pool, which, if properly done by you can eliminate any chance of finding your payments and making it impossible to prove any connection between a deposit and a withdraw inside our service.


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[OSINT] Yasni is a free search engine dedicated to finding people on the web. It pulls together all the publicly available information and search results, including images, videos, social networking Exposés and posts.


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[OSINT] Search Sites, Resources, Services, and Tools that allow you to search for people and personal information. Start your Free People Search from Net-Trace today.

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Re: Hack service [link]


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Domain name whois history archive


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Is your password weaker than you thought?

To help you find out, the Telepathwords weak-password prevention system will try to guess each character of your password before you type it.

✘ - indicates that the character you typed was one of Telepathwords guesses.

✔ - indicates that the character you typed was one Telepathwords could not guess.

If your password has few characters that Telepathwords could not guess, attackers may also find your password easy to guess.


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  • Google Hacking
  • Find Subdomains
  • Whois Lookup
  • DNS Lookup
  • DNS Zone Transfer



  • Ping sweep
  • TCP port scan
  • UDP port scan


Web tools:

  • URL Fuzzer
  • XSS Server
  • Web proxy


Social engineering:

  • Email checker


Internet Banking:

  • Xchg Rate Improver

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Re: Hack service [link]


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Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. This website is for Anyone and Everyone who wants to share their hackerspace stories and questions with the global hackerspaces community.


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Scanner structure site


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Automated Security Analyser for ASP.NET Websites. The purpose of ASafaWeb is to make scanning for common configuration vulnerabilities in live ASP.NET websites dead easy. To that effect, you don't need anything more than a URL to get started and ASafaWeb will head off and report on anything it can find which is remotely detectable.

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