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Locked BufferZone Pro


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I have anti-virus. Why do I need BufferZone Pro?


Anti-virus, firewall and anti-spam are recommended as a good basis for securing your PC. But the limitations of these popular security suites are well known. Anti-virus can take up to several days to respond to new Internet threats and needs constant updates and maintenance. This results in even more critical time for your security software to finally be updated against a new threat. Meanwhile, you are completely exposed and unprotected.


Anti-virus, firewall and anti-spam are recommended as a good basis for securing your PC. However, this protection can miss up to 40-50% of threats, especially hidden or unknown threats. BufferZone brings your PC protection to 100%.


As users rely more and more on the Web, popular security suites alone cannot guarantee safety and privacy. With BufferZone, not even a botnet can infect and take over your computer. Any attack would occur only inside an isolated environment, where all threats are kept separated from your trusted PC environment. Emptying or "flushing" this environment ensures that you will never become part of a botnet.



How BufferZone Pro Works


As Internet use has become more widespread, malicious attacks on computers have exponentially increased. Common anti-virus suites are effective to a point, but ill-equipped to totally contain the problem. BufferZone was designed to compliment and enhance your existing security suite.


BufferZone technology stops all threats (even those not yet identified by your anti-virus) from infecting your computer and accessing your personal data. You can finally surf anywhere, download anything, open email attachments, share, chat, and e-bank safely and securely.


System Requirements: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (32/ 64-bit)


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