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Locked SQLi Dumper v.5.0


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SQLi Dumper - Advanced SQL Injection\Scanner Tool


Designed to be automated to find and exploit security vulnerabilities in web mass.


Uses an advanced search engine with seven different services online search!

(Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo, Toad, Altavista and Terravista).


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SQLI Dumper Features:

-Suports Multi. Online search engine (to find the trajects);

-Automated exploiting and analizing from a URL list;

-Automated search for data in a bulk URL list;

-Automated analizer for injections points using


URL, POST, Cookies, UserLogin or UserPassword;

-Dumper suports dumping data with multi-threading


(databases/tables/columns/fetching data);

-Exploiter suports up to 100x threads;

-Analizer and Dumper suports up to 50x threads;

-Advanced WAF bypass methods;

-Advanced custom query box;

-Dumper can dump large amounts of data, with greats


control of delay each request (multi-threading);

-Easy switch vulnerabilities to vulnerabilities;

-Suports proxies list;

-GeoIP database;

-Internal database;

-Trash System;

-Admin login finder;

-Hash online cracker;

-Reverse IP;

-Standalone .exe (no install).


SQL injection methods supported:


- Union (Integer / String)

- Error (Integer / String)

** Error Methods:

- Double Query

- XPATH - ExtractValue

- XPATH - UpdateXML

- Brute Forcing

- Blind

- Load File

- Load File Scanner

** Illegal Mix Of Collations:

- UnHexHex()

- Binary()

- Cast As Char

- Compress(Uncompress())

- Convert Using utf8

- Convert Using latin1

- Aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt())


- Union (Integer / String)

- Error (Integer / String)

** Illegal Mix Of Collations:

- SQL_Latin1;

- Cast As Char.

- Oracle

- Union (Integer / String)

- Error (Integer / String)

** Error Methods:




** Illegal Mix Of Collations:

- Cast As Char.

** Suports TOP N Types:


- RANK()



Analyze detects also:

- MS Access

- PostgredSQL

- Sybase



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