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Locked Kwort 4 RC1 [ Call For Testing ]


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Kwort is a modern and fast Linux distribution that combines powerful and useful applications in order to create a simple system for advanced users who finds a strong and effective desktop. Kwort is based on CRUX, so it’s robust, clean and easy to extend.




Hello all,


It’s been a long time since I wrote something to the list. So let’s start using it for important things related to Kwort. As you know Kwort 3.5 was the last version of Kwort running i686 and I told publicly that the next version of the system would be x86_64. Because of that, I’ve been working over the last few months on Kwort 4 pretty much without telling anyone, in case things took too much time, to avoid questions regarding ETAs and such things.


So, by now, this is our second release candidate that I would like people to test (for real). I know pretty much of you guys test these ISO images in a virtual machine, but this time, these kind of tests wouldn’t be useful as I already run several tests on KVM, and I need real x86_64 systems testing this because as some of you might now this is a major step.


This is a pure x86_64 system, with no multilib support, so it is clean and simple as Kwort has always been.


So, this is a great opportunity to help Kwort’s development in case you ever wanted, so please, run this ISO on real x86_64 systems and give me some hints about what is missing, broken or need tuning


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