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Locked Best IP stresser (free)


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There are A LOT of them but most cost money or are just ass, but there is one that I found that is easy to setup and free to use.

You only need a username and password to sign up (no email or number) and it has free layer 7 and 3/4 attacks.

If you want even more you can buy premium (it is really premium) it STARTS at €180 up to €90000 a month, but the free version is good enough to down small sites and it works perfect to DDoS someone.

They also have a great API, but u need at least the €180 plan to use it. With the Plan u can also schedule attacks and get more Concurrents.

The only downside is, you have to do a captcha before starting an attack.

Anyways here is the site:


Main site:

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Edited by depodaapre
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