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Locked The structure of the iOS simply explained in my way.


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The iOS is structured in the following layers: 


Core OS Layer: This layer is the foundation of iOS and includes essential system services such as memory management, security, power management, and various low-level functionalities. The core OS layer is responsible for interfacing with the hardware and managing the device's resources.


Kernel: iOS uses the XNU kernel, which is based on the Mach microkernel and BSD components. The kernel is responsible for managing tasks, threads, and memory, as well as handling hardware interactions and security mechanisms like sandboxing.


Libraries: iOS includes a set of libraries that provide APIs for developers to access various functionalities of the device. These libraries include Core Foundation, Core Graphics, Core Data, and many more, which allow developers to create apps that leverage device capabilities.


Cocoa Touch Framework: This framework provides the building blocks for developing iOS applications. It includes various frameworks such as UIKit (for building graphical user interfaces), Foundation (provides core functionality), Core Animation, Core Location, and others. UIKit is especially critical as it provides the UI components and interactions familiar to iOS users.


Media Layer: This layer handles multimedia aspects of iOS, including audio, video, and graphics. It includes frameworks like AVFoundation (audio and video playback and recording), Core Audio (audio processing), and Core Image (image processing).


Core Services: This layer includes essential system services that facilitate various functionalities, such as data synchronization, iCloud services, networking (handled by CFNetwork), and more.


iOS Applications: These are the apps users interact with, and they run on top of the aforementioned layers. iOS comes with several built-in applications like Messages, Safari, Mail, Calendar, and more.


App Frameworks: iOS provides various app frameworks that allow developers to build different types of applications, including:


UIKit: For building standard iOS apps with a graphical user interface.

SpriteKit: For developing 2D games.

SceneKit: For creating 3D games and animations.

ARKit: For augmented reality experiences.

HealthKit: For health and fitness-related apps.

CoreML: For integrating machine learning models into apps.

App Store Kit: This allows users to access the App Store, where they can download and install apps from developers worldwide.


Security: iOS places a strong emphasis on security. It includes features like data encryption, sandboxing apps, secure boot, Touch ID/Face ID, and app permissions to protect user data and ensure app integrity.


Device Drivers: These are responsible for handling communication between the hardware and the software components of iOS.


Frameworks for Integration: These frameworks allow iOS to interact with other Apple services and technologies, such as SiriKit (for integrating with Siri) and HomeKit (for home automation).

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