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What is SQL Injection?

SQL injection is a type of cyber attack in which an attacker inserts malicious code into an SQL statement. If successful, it will help the attacker gain access to sensitive data in a database.

Once the attacker takes control of the database, they can steal, modify or even delete the data.

Here are a few scenarios of SQL Injection.

  • An attacker might insert a malicious piece of code into a login form. For example, if the login form expects the user to enter their username and password, the attacker might enter a username like admin’ OR ‘1’=’1. This will always evaluate to true and will allow the attacker to log in without knowing the actual password.
  • An attacker might insert a malicious piece of code into a search form. For example, if the search form expects the user to enter a keyword, the attacker can enter a keyword like ‘ OR ‘1’=’1. This will return all the records from the database, rather than the ones that match the keyword.
  • An attacker can insert a malicious piece of code into a form that allows users to update their information. For example, if the form expects the user to enter their phone number, the attacker might enter a phone number like ‘; DROP TABLE users; — ,. This will delete the entire users table from the database.

These are just a few examples of SQL injection attacks. There are many other ways that attackers can use these techniques to gain access to a database. Databases that are not updated/maintained regularly will often be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

What is SQL Map?

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is an open-source tool that automatically finds and exploits SQL injection vulnerabilities. We can use it to test web applications for SQL injection vulnerabilities and gain access to a vulnerable database.

SQLmap is a favorite tool among pen-testers for its ease of use and flexibility. It is written in Python and runs on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

We can use SQLmap to perform a wide range of attacks. This includes database fingerprinting, data extraction, and even taking over an entire database. We can also use it to bypass login forms and execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system.

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