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Locked What is a rat


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The term "rat virus" refers to malicious software often associated with cybersecurity and hacking. Rat is a type of malware, also known as Remote Access Trojan.

Rat viruses infiltrate a computer or a network, giving hackers remote access. This type of malware is usually designed to be used to control the target system, steal user's personal information, gain unauthorized access, perform harmful actions, or for other malicious purposes.

Rat viruses often infect a computer in a way that a user is unaware of. This infection can usually occur through an accidentally opened email attachment, a malicious download, or an attack that exploits a vulnerability.

Rat viruses can engage in various harmful activities in the system they infect. These can include stealing users' passwords with keyboard recorders, taking screenshots, deleting or modifying files and folders, bypassing the firewall, and downloading other malicious software.

To protect against this type of malware, it is important to take precautions such as using up-to-date antivirus and security software, applying security updates in a timely manner, carefully evaluating suspicious emails and downloads, and using strong passwords.

However, Rat viruses are constantly evolving and changing, so it's important to keep security awareness constantly up to date.

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