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Locked BlackBelt WASTE - ipv4/Tor/i2p + AI 1.8 Build 282


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BlackBelt WASTE is a modern, AI-Smart, WASTE p2p for ipv4, Tor, and i2p.

This WASTE client allows you to download and create your WASTE networks. It includes distributed autonomic-performance-tuning, goal-seeking swarming-semiotic AI, and built-in self-organizing anti-spoofing technology.

BlackBelt WASTE Features:

WASTE Client - Enhanced/Modernized/Updated.
Designed for those that need to move sensitive data, designs, records of all kinds, documents, pre-copyright works.
Artificially Intelligent - Performance Self-Aware.
Includes native asynchronous socks5 support, including Remote DNS
Includes native uPnP port punching.
Supports Tor v2/3 Hidden Services via Onion Addressing
Supports i2p eep End-Points via i2p Socks Proxy
Enables mixed IPv4/Tor/i2p use.
Queue 1 MILLION+ files up to 4TB each.
In IPv4 Mode, move data at 80+ mega-bytes, per sec, per-connection.
Create and participate in Chat rooms.
Create a NULLNET and allow it to split and splinter.
Create 24x7 Secure Drop Boxes, auto accept files in a dedicated WASTE Profile.
Allows your network to be reached / expanded purely in Tor/i2p land.
Permits flexible key length, defaults to 3072bit RSA PKI.

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