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Locked Sorting Logs By Country


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Specify the folder with logs
After the software displays the result with the number of countries, you need to enter which countries need to be sorted. To sort by separateness, you need to enter a list of countries separated by commas, for example: "US, CA, BR", then the software will sort the logs only with US, CA, BR countries. To sort all countries, enter "all" in the console. Importantly! Enter all names of countries capsom, otherwise the software will not sort them, "all" - enter strictly in lower case.
After entering the countries, the Result folder will be created next to the program, and the folder "NUMBER OF LOGS DATE-TIME" will be created in it. The folder will contain sorted countries, for example, US, CA, BR folders.

Texts countries.txt and Exceptions.txt - informative: in countries.txt the program log is recorded, in Exceptions.txt program errors are recorded.

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About the minor disadvantages of the program:

The counter doesn't work very correctly, so you don't need to tell me about it. If the program could not copy any file from the log, it will not count the folders.
The Exceptions text.txt in particular, stores information that the program could not copy any folder from the log, Windows has a limit on the length of the path and file name, if they exceed this limit, the program will not be able to copy the file / folder from the log.

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