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Locked DeathRansom - A Ransomware Developed In Python


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DeathRansom - A Ransomware Developed In Python, With Bypass Technics, For Educational Purposes

What is a ransomware?

A ransomware is malware that encrypts all your files and shows a ransom request, which tells you to pay a set amount, usually in bitcoins (BTC), in a set time to decrypt your files, or he will delete your files.
How it works?

First, the script checks if it's in a sandbox, debugger, vm, etc, and try bypass it.
It then encrypts all files starting with the defined directory on the line 60 in deathransom.py.
Then, downloads the ransom request script, disable cmd, taskmanager and the registry tools. And starts the counter to delete the files.

Bypass Technics


Creates several variables to try to make disassembly difficult.


Checks if a debugger is active using the ctypes function: windll.kernel32.IsDebuggerPresent()


Checks if the machine's mac is the same as the standard vms mac.



Some sandboxes speed up sleep, this function checks if nothing out of the ordinary has occurred.

    Sandbox in Process

Checks if have any sandbox in running processes


Shows a message, if the user interact with the pop up, the malware will be executed.


Sleeps for a while and proceed. Some sandboxes wait for a while and stop running, that tries to bypass this.


If the user does not click the number of times necessary the malware not will be executed.


If the user not move the mouse in a seted time the malware not be executed.

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