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Locked Reverse Shell Attacks for Absolute Bignners


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Master Reverseshell attacks

Course Duration:
5 sections • 28 lectures • 4h 4m total length

What you'll learn:

    Master Reverse Shell Attacks
    Pracice Windows Reverse Shell Attacks
    Build your own cybersecurity lab
    Pracrice linux reverse shell attacks
    Master variety of reverse shell attacks tools


    No requirement or Prerequistes this course for Absolute Beginners


Reverse shell attacks are one of the most famous and dangerous attacks because they can bypass security controls and they can take full control of the target device. The reverse shell attack's main goal is to make the connection come back from the victim's device and then take full control of the victim's device. In this course, we assume that you never did any kind of reverse shell attacks before, so we will start from scratch. We will start talking about reverse shell attacks in general and then we will build the necessary ethical hacking lab to practice reverse shell attacks in safe and legal environments. Then, we will learn together some essential system commands. However, you can skip this section if already know Linux commands. After that, we will start practicing the following:1-Build your cyber security lab - Download and Install VirtualBox -Download and Install Vmware - Download and Install Kali Linux - Take a look on Kali Linux - Download and Install Metasploitabl - Download and Install Windows 10 VM.2- learn some networks basics -what is IP Address? - what is Mac Address? -what is port number? - what is DNS? -what is DHCP? - What is NAT?3-Essential System Commnads4-Practice Reverse shell attacks - Bind shell attacks - Reverse TCP attacks -Reverse HTTPS attacks - Linux and Android payload for reverse attacks - Windows Reverse shell attacks using MSFPC - MSFPC for Android payload - MSFPC for Linux payload - USING Netcat fro reverse shell attacks.Also, you will learn a lots about reverse shell attacks in practical way.The best way to study for this course is to watch the lesson first and then go ahead and practice it. If you face any difficulty please contact me and I will be more than happy to help.

Who this course is for:

    Anyone wants to learn and master reverse shell attacks by doing them

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