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Locked Gef v2021.10 - Multi-Architecture GDB Enhanced Features for Exploiters & Reverse-Engineers


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GEF – GDB Enhanced Features

GEF is a kick-ass set of commands for X86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC and SPARC to make GDB cool again for exploit dev. It is aimed to be used mostly by exploiters and reverse-engineers, to provide additional features to GDB using the Python API to assist during the process of dynamic analysis and exploit development.

It has full support for both Python2 and Python3 indifferently (as more and more distros start pushing gdb compiled with Python3 support).


    One single GDB script.
    Entirely OS Agnostic, NO dependencies: GEF is battery-included and is installable in 2 seconds (unlike PwnDBG).
    Fast limiting the number of dependencies and optimizing code to make the commands as fast as possible (unlike PwnDBG).
    Provides more than 50 commands to drastically change your experience in GDB.
    Easily extendable to create other commands by providing more comprehensible layout to GDB Python API.
    Works consistently on both Python2 and Python3.
    Built around an architecture abstraction layer, so all commands work in any GDB-supported architecture such as x86-32/64, ARMv5/6/7, AARCH64, SPARC, MIPS, PowerPC, etc. (unlike PEDA)
    Suited for real-life apps debugging, exploit development, just as much as CTF (unlike PEDA or PwnDBG)


GEF – v2021.10

Highlights of Impractical Information

    93 commits, 5 Issues & 25 PRs closed
    Massive background re-work by @theguy147 , which includes (but not limited):
        Better and more CI tests

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