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Locked Pollenisator - Collaborative Pentest Tool With Highly Customizable Tools


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Pollenisator is a tool aiming to assist pentesters and auditor automating the use of some tools/scripts and keep track of them.

    Written in python 3
    Provides a modelisation of "pentest objects" : Scope, Hosts, Ports, Commands, Tools etc.
    Tools/scripts are separated into 4 categories : wave, Network/domain, IP, Port
    Objects are stored in a NoSQL DB (Mongo)
    Keep links between them to allow queries
    Objects can be created through parsers / manual input
    Business logic can be implemented (auto vuln referencing, item triggers, etc.)
    Many tools/scripts launch conditions are availiable to avoid overloading the target or the scanner.
    A GUI based on tcl/tk


    Register your own tools
        Add command line options in your database.
        Create your own light plugin to parse your tool output.
        Use the objects Models to add, update or delete objects to the pentest inside plugins.
        Limit the number of parallel execution of noisy/heavy tools

    Define a recon/fingerprinting procedure with custom tools
        Choose a period to start and stop the tools
        Define your scope with domains and network IP ranges.
        Custom settings to include new hosts in the scope
        Keep results of all files generated through tools executions
        Start the given docker to implement numerous tools for LAN and Web pentest

    Collaborative pentests
        Split the work between your machines by starting one worker by computer you want to use.
        Tags ip or tools to show your team mates that you powned it.
        Take notes on every object to keep trace of your discoveries
        Follow tools status live
        Search in all your objects properties with the fitler bar.
        have a quick summary of all hosts and their open ports and check if some are powned.

        Create security defects on IPs and ports
        Make your plugins create defects directly so you don't have to
        Generate a Word report of security defects found. You can use your own template with extra work.
        Generate a Powerpoint report of security defects found. You can use your own template with extra work.

    Currently integrated tools
        IP / port recon : Nmap (Quick nmaps followed by thorough scan)
        Domain enumeration : Knockpy, Sublist3r, dig reverse, crtsh
        Web : WhatWeb, Nikto, http methods, Dirsearch
        LAN : Crackmapexec, eternalblue and bluekeep scan, smbmap, anonymous ftp, enum4linux
        Unknown ports : amap, nmap scripts
        Misc : ikescan, ssh_scan, openrelay


    Change the architecture to an API based one
    Get rid of Celery
    Add flexibity for commands
    Improve UX
    Add more plugin and improve existing ones
    Add real support for users / authenticated commands

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